Translation of "Disgusted" in Spanish

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Disgusted" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Tom looks disgusted.

Tom parece indignado.

I was disgusted.

Yo estaba indignado.

I'm disgusted with Tom.

- Detesto a Tom.
- Tom me da asco.

I am disgusted with you.

Estoy indignado contigo.

The bad smell disgusted us.

El mal olor nos dio asco.

I am disgusted with him.

Estoy disgustada con él.

Tom is angry and disgusted.

Tom está enfadado e indignado.

Tom seemed to be disgusted.

Tom parece estar disgustado.

I'm disgusted with this system.

Estoy indignado con este sistema.

I was broke, busted, and disgusted,

No tenía dinero, estaba estropeado y asqueado,

I was afraid. I was disgusted.

Tenía miedo. Me daba asco.

She was disgusted at his persistence.

Ella se fastidio de su insistencia.

I was disgusted with his pointless talk.

Me cansé de su historia sin punto.

Who tastes everything becomes disgusted with everything.

Quien prueba todo se asquea con todo.

Tom is totally disgusted with Mary's behavior.

Tom está completamente indignado del comportamiento de Mary.

Can instantly understand, will be instantly disgusted by,

puede entender y le repugna de inmediato.

The dirty plates in the restaurant disgusted us.

Los platos sucios en el restaurante nos asquearon.

That makes me disgusted just to think of it.

Eso me indigna sólo de pensarlo.

- I am disgusted with you.
- It revolts me.
- She disgusts me.

Me repugna.

If I were in that restaurant, I would feel really disgusted.

Si yo estuviera en aquel restaurante, me sentiría realmente repugnado.