Translation of "Crush" in Spanish

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Examples of using "Crush" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

- Facebook wanted to crush Snapchat.

- Facebook quería aplastar a Snapchat.

You're gonna continually crush it.

lo vas a aplastar continuamente.

- He has had a crush on her.
- He had a crush on her.

Está colado por ella.

Mary was Tom's high school crush.

Mary fue el amor de instituto de Tom.

He had a crush on her.

Estaba enamorado de ella.

She had a crush on him.

Ella estaba enamorada de él.

He's got a crush on her.

Él se enamoró de ella.

Because if you wanna crush 'em,

porque si quieres aplastarlos,

But you're not gonna crush it.

pero no vas a aplastarlo

Tom married his high school crush Mary.

Tom se casó con su amor del instituto, Mary.

Do you have a crush on Tom?

¿Estás enamorada de Tom?

Do you have a crush on Mary?

¿Estás enamorado de María?

Tom still has a crush on Mary.

Tom todavía está enamorado de Mary.

Does Tom have a crush on Mary?

¿Tiene Tom un flechazo con María?

Behind a product, you can crush it.

detrás de un producto, puedes aplastarlo.

That are trying to crush their competitors,

que están tratando de aplastar a sus competidores,

Or penalized, or just crush your rankings,

o penalizado, o simplemente aplastar su clasificación,

You can crush us, you can bruise us,

Puedes aplastarnos, puedes herirnos,

You can crush us, you can bruise us.

Puedes aplastarnos, puedes herirnos.

You seem to have a crush on Tom.

Tú pareces estar loca por Tom.

Do you have a crush on my brother?

- ¿Estás enamorada de mi hermano?
- ¿Estás enamorado de mi hermano?

Assume you're not trying to crush your competition

Suponer que no estás intentando aplastar a tu competencia

Do whatever they can to crush your competitors.

hacer lo que sea para aplastar a tus competidores.

- Do you have a crush on him?
- Do you have a crush on her?
- Are you in love with her?

¿Te gusta él?

Everybody can see that he has a crush on her.

Cualquiera puede ver que él está enamorado de ella.

If that gives way, that is just gonna absolutely crush me.

Si eso cede, simplemente, me aplastará.

"Here we watched the throng and crush, in which we were

"Aquí vimos el tumulto y la aglomeración, en la que teníamos

So if in the first 24 hours, if you crush it,

Entonces, si en los primeros 24 horas, si lo aplastas,

I've had a big crush on that beautiful man for years now.

He tenido un gran flechazo por ese macho hermoso durante muchos años ya.

So I hope that helps you crush it on the web, Ben,

Así que espero que eso te ayude aplastarlo en la web, Ben,

The Battle of Bautzen, and a missed  chance to crush the Coalition army.

la Batalla de Bautzen y a una oportunidad perdida de aplastar al ejército de la Coalición.

I think that games such as Candy Crush are a waste of time.

Pienso que los juegos cómo Candy Crush son una pérdida de tiempo.

The guy on whom I have a crush doesn't know I like him.

El tío del que estoy enamorado no sabe que le quiero.

- Tom is secretly in love with Mary.
- Tom has a secret crush on Mary.

Tom está secretamente enamorado de Mary.

Mary came up to Tom at the party and told him she had a crush on him.

Mary se acercó a Tom en la fiesta y le dijo que estaba enamorada de él.

I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel.

"Enemistad pondré entre ti y la mujer, entre tu linaje y su linaje: él te pisará la cabeza mientras acechas tú su cancañar."