Translation of "Cinema" in Spanish

0.011 sec.

Examples of using "Cinema" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

I love cinema.

Me encanta el cine.

The cinema is an industry.

El cine es una industria.

I'm going to the cinema.

Voy al cine.

I've lost my cinema ticket.

- Perdí mi entrada de cine.
- Perdí mi boleto para el cine.

We are going to the cinema.

- Vamos al cine.
- Vamos a ir al cine.

I went to the cinema yesterday.

- Ayer, fui al cine.
- Yo fui al cine ayer.

I often go to the cinema.

A menudo voy al cine.

Will you go to the cinema?

¿Vas a ir al cine?

Shall we go to the cinema?

¿Iremos al cine?

I love going to the cinema.

Me encanta ir al cine.

We are not at the cinema.

No estamos en el cine.

There's a park behind the cinema.

Detrás del cine hay un parque.

- Do you fancy going to the cinema?
- Do you feel like going to the cinema?

¿Te gusta ir al cine?

- We are going to the cinema.
- Let's go to the cinema.
- Let's go to the movies.

- Vamos al cine.
- Vamos a ver una peli.

Smoking is not permitted in the cinema.

Está prohibido fumar en el interior del cine.

Could you take me to the cinema?

¿Puedes llevarme al cine?

The cinema is bursting at the seams.

El cine está de bote en bote.

They came back from the cinema together.

Regresaron del cine juntos.

Were you at the cinema last night?

¿Estabas en el cine anoche?

How much does a cinema ticket cost?

¿Cuánto cuesta una entrada de cine?

Why do people go to the cinema?

- ¿Por qué la gente va al cine?
- ¿Por qué las personas van al cine?

- Yesterday we went to a cinema.
- Yesterday we went to the cinema.
- Yesterday we went to the movies.

Ayer fuimos al cine.

Theater followed by cinema and Ertem Eğilmez started

teatro seguido de cine y Ertem Eğilmez comenzó

She went to the cinema the other day.

Ella fue al cine el otro día.

I went to the cinema with my brother.

Fui al cine con mi hermano.

I go to the cinema once a week.

Voy al cine una vez a la semana.

Peter and I often go to the cinema.

Peter y yo vamos a menudo al cine.

- I like to go to the movies.
- I like going to the cinema.
- I like to go to the cinema.

Me gusta ir al cine.

Kemal Sunal showed a growth in his cinema life

Kemal Sunal mostró un crecimiento en su vida cinematográfica

My God, that's really like in the cinema, yes.

Dios mío, eso es realmente como en el cine, sí.

Over there an ice cream parlor, here a cinema

Allí hay una heladería, aquí un cine

Jackie Chan is a star of Hong Kong cinema.

Jackie Chan es una estrella de cine hongkonés.

The concert ticket costs more than the cinema ticket.

La entrada para el concierto cuesta más que la entrada de cine.

The cinema is to the right of the restaurant.

El cine queda a la derecha del restaurante.

- Where shall we go now? To the theatre or cinema?
- Where are we going now? To the theatre or the cinema?

¿A dónde vamos ahora? ¿Al teatro o al cine?

It is forbidden for young people to attend cinema events,

Está prohibido que los jóvenes asistan a eventos de cine,

There are very few shops and the cinema is awful.

Hay pocas tiendas y el cine es terrible.

Where shall we go now? To the theatre or cinema?

¿A dónde vamos ahora? ¿Al teatro o al cine?

My dad doesn't let me go to the cinema alone.

Mi padre no me deja ir al cine solo.

I talked to him when we were in the cinema.

Hablé con él cuando estábamos en el cine.

- Let's go to a movie.
- Let's go to the cinema.

Vamos a ver una película.

- He lost his cinema ticket.
- He lost his movie ticket.

Él perdió su entrada para el cine.

- I was at a movie theater.
- I was at the cinema.

- Estaba en el cine.
- Estaba en un cine.

Tom asked his father if he could go to the cinema.

Tom le preguntó a su padre si podía ir al cine.

Why don't you want to come to the cinema with me?

¿Por qué no quieres venir al cine conmigo?

The cinema industry of Timor-Leste is thriving like never before.

La industria del cine en Timor-Leste está prosperando como nunca antes.

Her father didn't allow her to go to the cinema alone.

Su padre no permitió que ella fuera sola al cine.

Where are we going now? To the theatre or the cinema?

¿A dónde vamos ahora? ¿Al teatro o al cine?

If you're bored, I suggest you to go to the cinema.

Si estás aburrido, sugiero que vayas al cine.

Do you want to go to the cinema or the theater?

¿Querés ir al cine o al teatro?

Her father didn't let her to go to the cinema alone.

Su padre no permitió que ella fuera sola al cine.

- I adore going to the cinema.
- I love to go to the movies.
- I love going to the movies.
- I love going to the cinema.

Me encanta ir al cine.

- I like going to the movies.
- I like to go to the movies.
- I like going to the cinema.
- I like to go to the cinema.

Me gusta ir al cine.

The last screening in the cinema starts at a quarter past eleven.

La última proyección en el cine comienza a las once y cuarto.

- I often go to the movies.
- I often go to the cinema.

- Yo voy a menudo al cine.
- A menudo voy al cine.

- We are going to the cinema.
- We're going to the movie theater.

- Vamos al cine.
- Vamos a ver una peli.

We go to the cinema to be scared by watching horror movies.

- Vamos al cine a ver películas de miedo que nos asusten.
- Vamos al cine a asustarnos mirando películas de terror.

- Yesterday we went to the cinema.
- Yesterday we went to the movies.

Ayer fuimos al cine.

You can go to the theatre, the cinema, or the swimming pool.

Puedes ir al teatro, al cine, o a la piscina.

- The cinema was filled with people.
- The movie theater was filled with people.

El cine estaba lleno de gente.