Translation of "Berbers" in Spanish

0.002 sec.

Examples of using "Berbers" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

The natives of North Africa are Berbers.

Los autóctonos de África del Norte son los Bereberes.

Igwanciyen, the Guanches, the only Berbers who have not been Islamized. To meditate ...

Igwanciyen, los guanches, los únicos bereberes que no han sido islamizados. Meditar ...

They apparently have the same accent as the Tuaregs, with the same emphatic intonations (warm voices). Igwanciyen, the Guanches, the only Berbers not to have been Islamized. To meditate...

Aparentemente tienen el mismo acento que los tuareg, con las mismas entonaciones enfáticas (voces cálidas). Igwanciyen, los guanches, los únicos bereberes que no han sido islamizados. Meditar ...