Translation of "Barrel" in Spanish

0.023 sec.

Examples of using "Barrel" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Tom tipped the barrel over.

Tom volcó el barril.

One rotten apple spoils the barrel.

Una manzana podrida estropea todo el barril.

This barrel holds over 300 litres.

Este barril aguanta más de 300 litros.

Clean the barrel of this rifle.

Limpia el cañón de esta escopeta.

It's a huge barrel of rum.

Es un enorme barril de ron.

The steel barrel has a slang term as something

el barril de acero tiene un término de argot como algo

Nothing like barrel cactus fluid... sucked through a sweaty buff.

Nada como el fluido de un cactus de barril filtrado con un trapo sudado.

But that was a good decision with the barrel cactus.

Fue una buena decisión la del cactus de barril

The barrel cactus actually contains a lot of good fluids.

El cactus de barril, de hecho, contiene muchos fluidos.

How many litres of oil are there in a barrel?

¿Cuántos litros de aceite hay en un barril?

Try and get the fluids out of this? Or the barrel cactus?

¿Sacamos fluidos de estos? ¿O del cactus de barril?

So you want me to try and do battle with a barrel cactus?

Entonces, ¿quieren que luche con el cactus de barril?

- One bad apple spoils the barrel.
- One bad apple spoils the whole bunch.

Una oveja sarnosa contagia a todo el rebaño.

Than getting into that big old barrel cactus that's covered in these spines and also these little hairs.

que a aquel cactus de barril cubierto de espinas y vellos.

- It's a piece of cake.
- That's child's play.
- This is like shooting fish in a barrel.
- This is a piece of cake.
- Doing that will be as easy as pie.

Es pan comido.