Translation of "Swap" in Russian

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Swap" in a sentence and their russian translations:

Do you want to swap jobs?

Хочешь махнуться работами?

Never swap horses while crossing a stream.

Коней на переправе не меняют.

So now we're going to swap over to the flexible laryngoscope.

Теперь мы возьмём гибкий ларингоскоп.

- Never swap horses while crossing a stream.
- Don't change horses in midstream.
- Don't change horses midstream.

Коней на переправе не меняют.

- Never swap horses while crossing a stream.
- Don't change horses in midstream.
- Don't change a winning team.

Коней на переправе не меняют.

- In Portuguese, simply change "você" for "o senhor" or "a senhora" to turn a phrase formal.
- In Portuguese, we just swap out "you" with "the gentleman" or "the lady" to make a formal sentence.

В португальском языке нам достаточно изменить "você" на "o senhor" или "a senhora", чтобы придать предложению официальный характер.