Translation of "Mourned" in Russian

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Mourned" in a sentence and their russian translations:

The whole neighborhood mourned his death.

Вся округа скорбела о его смерти.

His death was mourned by everyone.

Все оплакивали его смерть.

The boy mourned the death of his hamster.

Мальчик оплакивал смерть своего хомячка.

The nation mourned the death of the king.

Народ оплакивал смерть короля.

- We all mourned for the people killed in the accident.
- We all mourned for those who perished in the accident.

Мы все оплакивали погибших в аварии.

She mourned over the death of her only son.

Она оплакивала смерть единственного сына.

The widow mourned her husband for a long time.

Вдова долго оплакивала своего мужа.

We all mourned for the people killed in the accident.

Мы все оплакивали погибших в аварии.