Translation of "'were'" in Russian

0.018 sec.

Examples of using "'were'" in a sentence and their russian translations:

- They were sacked.
- They were made redundant.
- They were laid off.
- They were discharged.
- You were sacked.
- You were made redundant.
- You were laid off.
- You were discharged.
- They were dismissed.

- Вас выгнали.
- Вы были уволены.

- We were successful!
- We were successful.

Мы были успешны.

- You were right.
- You were correct.

- Ты был прав.
- Ты была права.
- Вы были правы.

- You were mistaken.
- You were wrong.

Вы ошибались.

- We were wrong.
- We were mistaken.

Мы ошибались.

- You were asleep.
- You were sleeping.

- Ты спал.
- Вы спали.
- Ты спала.

- You were saying...?
- You were saying?

Вы что-то сказали?

- Were you asleep?
- Were you sleeping?

- Ты спал?
- Ты спала?

- They were killed.
- They were murdered.

- Они были убиты.
- Их убили.

- You were praying.
- They were praying.

- Они молились.
- Они помолились.

- They were studying.
- You were studying.

Они занимались.

- They were frightened.
- They were scared.

- Они были испуганы.
- Они были напуганы.
- Их напугали.
- Их испугали.

- Three were wounded.
- Three were injured.

Трое было ранено.

- We were worried.
- We were concerned.

Мы были обеспокоены.

- You were undressed.
- You were naked.

- Ты был раздет.
- Ты был неодет.

- We were incorrect.
- We were wrong.

Мы были не правы.

- They were afraid.
- You were scared.

- Они боялись.
- Им было страшно.
- Вы боялись.
- Вам было страшно.

- You were scared.
- You were afraid.

Ты боялся.

Some were farmers, some were hunters.

Одни были фермерами, другие — охотниками.

- We were absent.
- We were away.

Нас не было.

Were heartbreaking.

на грустные личики детей.

There were other problems we were noticing.

Мы заметили и другие проблемы.

Paints were peeling, there were cracks everywhere.

с них осыпалась краска, повсюду были трещины.

- All were happy.
- They were all happy.

Они все были счастливы.

- Some were late.
- Some people were late.

Некоторые опоздали.

- We were having fun.
- We were cheerful.

Мы веселились.

We were poor, but we were happy.

- Мы были бедны, но счастливы.
- Мы были бедные, но счастливые.

Some people were sunbathing, others were swimming.

Кто-то загорал, другие купались.

- We were too late.
- We were late.

Мы опоздали.

- Three people were injured.
- Three were injured.

Трое было ранено.

- You were right.
- You guys were right.

Вы были правы.

- Were you alone?
- Were you here alone?

Ты была одна?

- Boxes were everywhere.
- There were boxes everywhere.

Повсюду были коробки.

We were as surprised as you were.

- Мы были так же удивлены, как и ты.
- Мы были так же удивлены, как и вы.

- They were afraid that they were going to die.
- They were afraid they were going to die.

Они боялись, что умрут.

- We were both tired.
- We both were tired.
- Both of us were tired.

- Мы оба устали.
- Мы обе устали.

Some people were kind and others were unkind.

Были люди как добрые, так и не особо любезные.

What were you like when you were fifteen?

Как ты выглядел, когда тебе было пятнадцать?

They were three and they were all armed.

Их было трое, и все они были вооружены.

- Her teeth were white.
- His teeth were white.

- Его зубы были белыми.
- Зубы у него были белые.

- We were all shocked.
- We were all stunned.

- Мы все были шокированы.
- Мы все были потрясены.

- What color were they?
- What colour were they?

Какого они были цвета?

- How many were they?
- How many were there?

Сколько их было?

- Those were the days!
- Those were the days.

- Хорошее было время.
- Хорошие были времена.

- We were so close.
- We were so close!

- Мы были так близки.
- Мы были так близко.

- Three people were wounded.
- Three people were injured.

Три человека было ранено.

- How many were wounded?
- How many were injured?

- Сколько было ранено?
- Сколько было раненных?

- Why were you yelling?
- Why were you shouting?

- Почему вы кричали?
- Почему ты кричал?

- We were both tired.
- We both were tired.

Мы обе устали.

- My eyes were shut.
- My eyes were closed.

- Глаза у меня были закрыты.
- Мои глаза были закрыты.

- Tom's eyes were shut.
- Tom's eyes were closed.

- Глаза Тома были закрыты.
- Глаза у Тома были закрыты.

- They were cousins.
- They were first cousins.
- They were male and female first cousins.

- Они были двоюродными братьями.
- Они были двоюродными сёстрами.
- Они были двоюродными братом и сестрой.
- Они были двоюродными братьями и сёстрами.

- What were you thinking?
- What were you thinking about?
- What were you thinking of?

О чём ты думал?

- The injured were many, but the missing were few.
- There were many injured people, but hardly any people were missing.

Было много раненых, но пропавших почти не было.

We were happy!

мы были счастливы!

We were meeting

мы встречались

Casualties were high.

Потери были высокими.

Competitions were held

соревнования были проведены

We were surprised.

Для нас это было удивительно.

Supplies were cheap.

Припасы стоили дешево.

All were silent.

Все молчали.

None were satisfied.

Никто не был доволен.

They were busy.

Они были заняты.

They were swimming.

Они плавали.

All were present.

- Все присутствовали.
- Присутствовали все.

We were right.

Мы были правы.

They were satisfied.

- Они были довольны.
- Они были удовлетворены.

We were friends.

- Мы были друзьями.
- Мы были подругами.
- Мы дружили.

We were outnumbered.

Нас превзошли числом.

They were naive.

Они были наивны.

They were panting.

Они задыхались.

You were perfect.

- Ты был безупречен.
- Ты была безупречна.
- Вы были безупречны.