Translation of "They'd" in Portuguese

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "They'd" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

They'd had enough.

Já bastava para elas.

They'd like that.

- Eles gostariam disso.
- Elas gostariam disso.

- I thought they'd heard us.
- I thought that they'd heard us.

Eu pensei que eles tivessem nos ouvido.

- They said that they'd been foolish.
- They said they'd been foolish.

Eles disseram que haviam sido tolos.

Perhaps they'd expected too much.

Talvez eles esperassem muito.

- They said that they'd never study French.
- They said they'd never study French.

- Eles disseram que eles nunca estudaram francês.
- Elas disseram que nunca estudaram francês.

- They said that they'd get there early.
- They said they'd get there early.

Eles disseram que eles iriam chegar lá cedo.

- They promised that they'd check on it.
- They promised they'd check on it.

Eles prometeram que verificariam.

And you can't help thinking if they'd been at full strength, they'd have won.

E você não pode deixar de pensar que se eles estivessem com força total, eles teriam vencido.

Like they'd throw balls like this

como se jogassem bolas assim

I thought that they'd give up.

- Pensei que eles desistiriam.
- Eu pensei que eles desistiriam.

They'd rather have a niche website

Eles preferiam ter um site de nicho

- Tom and Mary told us that they'd cooperate.
- Tom and Mary told us they'd cooperate.

Tom e Mary nos disseram que cooperariam.

- They told me that they'd never leave me.
- They told me they'd never leave me.

Eles me contaram que eles nunca me deixariam.

- They told me that they'd sort it out.
- They told me they'd sort it out.

Eles me disseram que se resolveriam.

Tom and Mary promised they'd quit smoking.

- Tom e Mary prometeram que parariam de fumar.
- Tom e Mary prometeram parar de fumar.

They'd do that if they had time.

- Eles o fariam se tivessem tempo.
- Elas o fariam se tivessem tempo.
- Elas fariam isso, se tivessem tempo.
- Eles fariam isso, se tivessem tempo.

- Yes, but they'd rather not rank videos

- Sim, mas eles preferem não ranquear vídeos

On your website, they'd rather rank Youtube,

no seu site. Eles preferem ranquear no YouTube,

- Tom and Mary said they'd consider my idea.
- Tom and Mary said that they'd consider my idea.

Tom e Mary disseram que eles iriam considerar a minha ideia.

- Tom and Mary told me they'd call you.
- Tom and Mary told me that they'd call you.

- Tom e Mary me disseram que te chamaram.
- Tom e Mary me disseram que te chamariam.

They knew how much danger they'd be in.

Eles sabiam o perigo em que estavam.

Tom couldn't remember what they'd been talking about.

Tom não se lembrava sobre o que eles tinham conversado.

Tom and Mary admitted that they'd been naughty.

O Tom e a Mary admitiram que tinham sido marotos.

Did Tom and Mary say they'd visit Boston?

O Tom e a Mary disseram que iam visitar Boston?

Did Tom and Mary say they'd do that?

O Tom e a Mary disseram que fariam aquilo?

They'd do that if they had time to.

Eles fariam se tivessem tempo.

Tom and Mary talked about where they'd visited.

- Tom e Mary conversaram sobre onde haviam visitado.
- Tom e Mary conversaram sobre onde eles haviam visitado.

They told me they'd never let me down.

- Elas me disseram que nunca me deixariam cair.
- Elas me disseram que nunca me desapontariam.

Deals with other companies, and they'd be like,

negócios com outras empresas, e elas ficavam tipo:

They'd rather have you go for a big,

Eles preferem que você vá atrás de uma grande,

- Tom and Mary said they'd rather not eat now.
- Tom and Mary said that they'd rather not eat now.

O Tom e a Mary disseram que eles prefeririam não comer agora.

- The men that Tom robbed didn't tell anybody that they'd been robbed.
- The men that Tom robbed didn't tell anyone that they'd been robbed.
- The men that Tom robbed didn't tell anybody they'd been robbed.
- The men Tom robbed didn't tell anybody that they'd been robbed.
- The men that Tom robbed didn't tell anyone they'd been robbed.
- The men Tom robbed didn't tell anyone that they'd been robbed.
- The men Tom robbed didn't tell anybody they'd been robbed.
- The men Tom robbed didn't tell anyone they'd been robbed.

Os homens que Tom assaltou não contaram a ninguém que foram assaltados.

Tom and Mary swore they'd never do that anymore.

Tom e Mary juraram que não fariam isso novamente.

Tom and Mary promised me that they'd do that.

Tom e Maria me prometeram que fariam isso.

Tom and Mary promised me that they'd be here.

Tom e Maria me prometeram que estariam aqui.

Tom and Mary admitted that they'd lied to me.

O Tom e a Mary admitiram que me tinham mentido.

Did Tom and Mary say when they'd be back?

Eles(Tom e Mary) disseram quando estariam de volta?

- Tom and Mary said they'd rather not go with us.
- Tom and Mary said that they'd rather not go with us.

Tom e Mary disseram que eles prefeririam não ir com a gente.

- Tom and Mary didn't tell anyone that they'd won the lottery.
- Tom and Mary didn't tell anybody that they'd won the lottery.

O Tom e a Mary não disseram a ninguém que tinham ganho a loteria.

Tom and Mary promised me that they'd do that today.

Tom e Mary me prometeram que iriam fazer isso hoje.

Tom and Mary said they'd be back on October 20th.

Tom e Mary disseram que voltariam no dia 20 de outubro.

Especially for small creators, they'd love to hear about it,

especialmente para pequenos criadores, eles adorariam ouvir sobre isso,

We didn't know whether they'd write about it or not,

Nós não sabíamos se elas escreveriam sobre isso ou não,

They'd rather just pay you and get the work done.

Eles preferem simplesmente te pagar e ter o trabalho pronto.

We'd better go to another room. They'd easily hear us here.

Melhor irmos a outra sala. Eles ouviriam a gente facilmente aqui.

Tom and Mary said that they'd be here by 2:30.

- O Tom e a Mary disseram que estariam aqui por volta das duas e meia.
- O Tom e a Mary disseram que eles estariam aqui por volta das duas e meia.

Tom and Mary said they'd probably do that the day after tomorrow.

Tom e Mary disseram que eles provavelmente fariam isso depois de amanhã.

Tom and Mary said they'd probably do that on Monday with John.

Tom e Mary disseram que provavelmente fariam isso na segunda-feira com John.

Tom and Mary sold some of the potatoes they'd bought to John.

Tom e Mary venderam algumas das batatas que tinham comprado ao John.

Tom and Mary told John they'd never do anything to hurt him.

O Tom e a Mary disseram ao John que nunca fariam nada para o magoar.

Tom and Mary said they'd like to go back to Boston someday.

- Tom e Mary disseram que eles gostariam de voltar para Boston algum dia.
- Tom e Mary disseram que gostariam de voltar para Boston algum dia.

Tom and Mary said that they were very sorry for what they'd done.

Tom e Mary disseram que sentiam muito pelo que tinham feito.

You asked Tom and Mary if they'd like to do that, didn't you?

Você perguntou para o Tom e a Mary se eles gostariam de fazer isso, não é?

- I wish they'd be honest and admit they don't know what's going to happen.
- I wish they'd be honest and admit that they don't know what's going to happen.

Eu queria que eles fossem honestos e admitissem que não sabem o que vai acontecer.

Tom and Mary told everybody that they'd gotten divorced, but they're actually still married.

Tom e Mary disseram a todo o mundo que se tinham divorciado, mas na verdade continuam casados.

Tom and Mary said they'd do that for us if we ask them to.

O Tom e a Mary disseram que fariam isso por nós se lhes pedíssemos.

They used to fill this with chemicals, and then they'd tip all of the rock in there

Antes, enchiam-no com químicos, depois deitavam pedras lá para dentro

- I think Tom and Mary would've helped us if they'd been there.
- I think Tom and Mary would have helped us if they had been there.
- I think that Tom and Mary would've helped us if they'd been there.

- Eu acho que o Tom e a Mary teriam nos ajudado se eles estivessem lá.
- Acho que o Tom e a Mary teriam nos ajudado se eles estivessem lá.

- Had they known what was about to happen, they would have changed their plans.
- Had they known what was about to happen, they would've changed their plans.
- If they'd known what was about to happen, they would've changed their plans.

Se eles soubessem o que estava prestes a acontecer, teriam mudado seus planos.