Translation of "Perhaps" in Portuguese

0.240 sec.

Examples of using "Perhaps" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

But perhaps, just perhaps --

Mas talvez, pode ser que

- Perhaps you are right.
- Perhaps you're right.

- Talvez você esteja certo.
- Talvez você tenha razão.
- Talvez tenha razão.
- Talvez você esteja certa.

Something smaller, perhaps.

Talvez um alvo menor.

- Perhaps we will find it.
- Perhaps we'll find it.

Talvez o encontremos.

- Maybe you're right.
- Perhaps you are right.
- Perhaps you're right.

- Talvez você tenha razão.
- Se calhar tem razão.
- Se calhar você tem razão.

Perhaps they were complacent.

Talvez eles estivessem complacentes.

Perhaps they were overconfident.

Talvez eles estivessem muito confiantes.

Perhaps he will come.

Talvez ele venha.

Perhaps you are mistaken.

Talvez estejas enganado.

Perhaps she is mistaken.

Talvez ela esteja errada.

Perhaps we overlooked something.

Talvez tenhamos ignorado algo.

Perhaps I can help.

Talvez eu possa ajudar.

Perhaps I was wrong.

Eu posso ter cometido um erro.

Perhaps I should leave.

Talvez eu devesse ir.

Perhaps Tom was right.

Talvez Tom estivesse certo.

- Maybe later.
- Perhaps later.

Talvez mais tarde.

Perhaps Tom is guilty.

Talvez o Tom seja culpado.

Perhaps Tom is right.

Talvez Tom tenha razão.

Perhaps it'll snow tomorrow.

Talvez neve amanhã.

Perhaps Tom did it.

- Talvez Tom tenha feito isso.
- Talvez Tom fizesse isso.

Perhaps they'd expected too much.

Talvez eles esperassem muito.

Perhaps he was over-confident.

Talvez ele estivesse muito confiante.

Perhaps a cow. That's stinking.

Talvez seja de uma vaca. Cheira mesmo mal.

Perhaps it will snow tomorrow.

Talvez neve amanhã.

Perhaps I'll like this book.

Provavelmente gostarei deste livro.

Perhaps you want fifteen cheeses.

Talvez você queira quinze queijos.

Perhaps he missed the train.

Pode ser que tenha perdido o trem.

Would you stay tonight, perhaps?

Você gostaria de ficar essa noite, talvez?

Perhaps you're trying too hard.

Talvez você esteja tentando com muito esforço.

Perhaps I made a mistake.

Talvez eu tenha cometido um erro.

Perhaps it was worth it.

Talvez tenha valido a pena.

Perhaps Tom can help you.

Talvez Tom possa te ajudar.

Perhaps she will come tomorrow.

Talvez ela venha amanhã.

Perhaps we could talk later.

Talvez nós pudéssemos conversar mais tarde.

Perhaps you should lie down.

Talvez você devesse se deitar.

Perhaps there are other reasons.

- Talvez existam outras razões.
- Talvez haja outras razões.

Perhaps the weather is fine.

Talvez o tempo esteja bom.

Perhaps I've met Tom before.

Talvez já me encontrei com Tom antes.

Perhaps Tom won't buy that.

- Talvez o Tom não vá comprar aquilo.
- Talvez o Tom não irá comprar aquilo.

Perhaps Tom is having fun.

Talvez o Tom esteja se divertindo.

Perhaps Tom doesn't speak French.

Talvez o Tom não fale francês.

Perhaps Tom will come tomorrow.

Talvez o Tom venha amanhã.

Perhaps Tom hasn't done that.

Talvez o Tom não tenha feito isso.

- I think perhaps I'll do that.
- I think that perhaps I'll do that.

- Eu acho que talvez eu faça isso.
- Acho que talvez eu farei isso.

- Maybe you're right.
- Perhaps you are right.
- Perhaps you're right.
- You could be right.

- Talvez você esteja certo.
- Talvez você tenha razão.
- Talvez tenha razão.

But perhaps not what you're thinking.

mas talvez não o que estão pensando.

perhaps its history is so clean

talvez o passado dele seja tão limpo

Perhaps you should buy a gun.

Talvez você devesse comprar uma arma.

Perhaps you will seek his aid.

Talvez você procure sua ajuda.

Perhaps Tom doesn't write letters anymore.

Talvez o Tom não escreva mais cartas.

Perhaps Tom will do that tomorrow.

Talvez o Tom faça isso amanhã.

Perhaps Tom and I were wrong.

Talvez o Tom e eu estivéssemos errados.

Perhaps that's what we should do.

Talvez seja isso que devemos fazer.

perhaps success may have come from this

talvez o sucesso possa ter vindo disso

Perhaps I was too harsh on Tom.

Talvez eu tenha sido muito duro com o Tom.

Perhaps there is still hope for you.

Talvez ainda exista alguma esperança para ti.

And for you Sir; a soup, perhaps?

E para o senhor; uma sopa, talvez?

Perhaps I expected too much from Tom.

Talvez eu tenha esperado demais de Tom.

Perhaps Tom is doing that right now.

Talvez Tom esteja fazendo isso agora.

Perhaps Tom has to do that, too.

Talvez o Tom tenha que fazer isso também.

So perhaps psychology may have played a part,

Então talvez a psicologia pode ter tido uma parte,

Perhaps that's the shortcut we were hoping for.

Talvez seja o atalho que procuramos.

The question is perhaps too complex for you.

- Talvez a questão seja complexa demais para você.
- Talvez a questão seja complexa demais para vocês.

Perhaps you would be happier in another job.

Talves, você estarria mais feliz em outro serviço.

Perhaps I shouldn't go to Boston this weekend.

Talvez eu não deva ir para Boston esse fim de semana.

- Maybe you can help.
- Perhaps you can help.

Talvez você possa ajudar.

Perhaps you are right, I have been selfish.

Talvez você tenha razão, eu foi egoísta.

"Have you memorised it?" "Not well enough perhaps."

"Já a sabes bem?" "Talvez ainda não muito bem."

- I might be wrong.
- I could be wrong.
- Perhaps I am wrong.
- I may be wrong.
- Perhaps I'm wrong.

Talvez eu esteja errado.

perhaps out of an instinctive need to feel safe.

talvez devido a uma necessidade instintiva de se sentirem mais seguros.

Perhaps we can talk about this at another time.

Talvez possamos falar sobre isso numa outra hora.

Virtue, perhaps, is nothing more than politeness of soul.

A virtude talvez nada mais seja que a polidez da alma.

I'm not sure, but perhaps Tom is already dead.

- Eu não tenho certeza, mas talvez Tom já esteja morto.
- Não tenho certeza, mas talvez Tom já tenha morrido.

Fine, perhaps I could help you. What is it?

Bem, talvez eu possa ajudá-lo. Do que se trata?

Perhaps the students' political demands arose and imposed themselves.

Às tantas, as reivindicações políticas dos estudantes surgiram e impuseram-se.

October is Tom's favorite month, and perhaps mine, too.

Outubro é o mês favorito de Tom, e talvez o meu também.

Now that you know the truth, perhaps you'll feel better.

Agora que você sabe a verdade, pode ser que se sinta melhor.

This problem has been perhaps disproportionately amplified across the world.

Esse problema talvez tenha sido desproporcionalmente amplificado em todo o mundo.

- Maybe you're right.
- You might be right.
- Perhaps you're right.

Talvez tenha razão.

- Perhaps that's true.
- Maybe it's true.
- Maybe it is true.

Talvez isso seja verdade.

- Perhaps it's just a coincidence.
- Maybe it's just a coincidence.

Talvez seja apenas uma coincidência.

- I may have made a mistake.
- Perhaps I was wrong.

- Eu posso ter cometido um erro.
- Talvez eu tenha cometido um erro.