Translation of "Swoln" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Swoln" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

"But soon her brother filled the throne of Tyre, / Pygmalion, swoln with sin."

"Mas em Tiro reinava / Pigmalião, irmão dela, dos malvados / sem dúvida o maior".

Methought I saw poor Hector, as I slept, / all bathed in tears and black with dust and gore, / dragged by the chariot and his swoln feet sore / with piercing thongs.

Eis me aparece em sonho Heitor, acabrunhado, / debulhando-se em lágrimas ardentes, / de negro pó sanguinolento recoberto, / tal como quando pela biga era arrastado, / a correia a passar-lhe através das feridas / dos pés inchados.

As one who, in a tangled brake apart, / on some lithe snake, unheeded in the briar, / hath trodden heavily, and with backward start / flies, trembling at the head uplift in ire / and blue neck, swoln in many a glittering spire. / So slinks Androgeus, shuddering with dismay.

Qual aquele / que, incauto, entre silvados espinhosos, / numa serpente pisa e trêmulo se afasta / do réptil, que, assanhado, ergue a cabeça / e incha o pescoço peçonhento; bem assim, / horrorizado por nos ver, recua Andrógeos.

As when a snake, that through the winter's cold / lay swoln and hidden in the ground from sight, / gorged with rank herbs, forth issues to the light, / and sleek with shining youth and newly drest, / wreathing its slippery volumes, towers upright / and, glorying, to the sunbeam rears its breast, / and darts a three-forked tongue, and points a flaming crest.

Qual a serpente que de plantas venenosas / empachada passou todo o inverno enterrada / e agora volta à luz do dia em nova pele, / e, rejuvenescida, as lisas roscas / desenrola, a cabeça erguendo ao sol, / enquanto a língua trífida dardeja.