Translation of "Have  " in Polish

0.013 sec.

Examples of using "Have  " in a sentence and their polish translations:

- Have fun.
- Have a nice time.
- Have a good time.
- Have fun!

- Miłej zabawy.
- Baw się dobrze!

- Walls have ears, shoji have eyes.
- The walls have ears, the doors have eyes.

Ściany mają uszy, drzwi mają oczy.

Birds have nests, spiders have webs, and humans have friendship.

Ptaki mają gniazda, pająki mają sieci, a ludzie mają przyjaźń.

You have to have an operation.

Czeka pana operacja.

- Have fun.
- Have a nice time.

Baw się dobrze.

"Have you eaten?" "Yes, I have."

- Jadłeś już? - Tak.

Angels have harps, devils have bodhráns.

Aniołowie mają harfy, a diabły - bodhrany.

- I don't have kids.
- I have no children.
- I don't have children.
- I have no kids.

Nie mam dzieci.

- I don't have any children.
- I don't have kids.
- I have no children.
- I don't have children.
- I have no kids.

Nie mam dzieci.

- I don't have any children.
- I don't have kids.
- I don't have any kids.
- I have no children.
- I don't have children.
- I have no kids.

Nie mam dzieci.

Have fun.

- Baw się dobrze!
- Miłej zabawy!

Have another.

- Napij się jeszcze.
- Wypij jeszcze.
- Weź dokładkę.
- Częstuj się jeszcze.
- Weź jeszcze jeden.

Have some.

- Poczęstuj się.
- Częstuj się.
- Napij się.

Have mercy!

Miej litość!

Have faith.


You have to have a new crown.

Potrzeba nowej korony.

- The walls have ears.
- Walls have ears.

Mury mają uszy.

- Have a nice weekend.
- Have a good weekend!
- Have a nice weekend!

Miłego weekendu!

- I have a job I have to do.
- I have a job that I have to do.

Mam pracę, którą muszę wykonać.

- That'll have to do.
- This will have to do.
- It'll have to do.
- It will have to do.
- This'll have to do.

To musi wystarczyć.

- Do you have any children?
- Do you have children?
- Do you have kids?
- Do you have any kids?

Masz dzieci?

- We have no sugar.
- We don't have sugar.
- We don't have any sugar.

Nie mamy cukru.

- You have no choice.
- They have no choice.
- You don't have a choice.

Nie masz wyboru.

- I have a fever.
- I have a high temperature.
- I have a temperature.

Mam temperaturę.

- I have no money.
- I don't have any money.
- I don't have money.

Nie mam pieniędzy.

- I'll have to have a rethink about it.
- I'll have to reconsider it.

Będę musiał o tym jeszcze raz pomyśleć.

- Have you eaten breakfast yet?
- Have you had breakfast?
- Have you had breakfast yet?
- Have you already eaten breakfast?
- Have you already had breakfast?

Jadłeś już śniadanie?

- Have you eaten your dinner already?
- Have you eaten dinner yet?
- Have you had dinner already?
- Have you eaten dinner?
- Have you eaten supper yet?
- Have you already eaten dinner?
- Have you had dinner yet?

Jadłeś już kolację?

- I have one brother.
- I have a brother.

Mam brata.

You have to have a piece of pie.

Musisz mieć kawałek tortu

- You have already eaten.
- They already have eaten.

Oni już jedli.

- Have a good weekend!
- Have a good weekend.

Miłego weekendu!

- I have turned 20.
- I have turned twenty.

Skończyłem 20 lat.

- Have you had dinner?
- Have you eaten dinner?

Jadłeś już kolację?

- Have a nice weekend.
- Have a nice weekend!

Miłego weekendu!

I have no time to have a rest.

Brakuje mi czasu na odpoczynek.

I have no money, but I have dreams.

Nie mam pieniędzy, ale mam marzenia

- I have no time.
- I don't have time.

Nie mam czasu.

I have the same trouble as you have.

Mam ten sam problem co ty.

- They have the horse.
- They have a horse.

Mają konia.

The walls have ears, the doors have eyes.

Ściany mają uszy, drzwi mają oczy.

- Have a safe trip.
- Have a safe journey.

Bezpiecznej podróży!

- Have you told anybody?
- Have you told anyone?

Powiedziałeś komuś?

- We have three airplanes.
- We have three planes.

Mamy trzy samoloty.

- We have three children.
- We have three kids.

Mamy trójkę dzieci.

I have socks, but I have no shoes.

Mam skarpetki, ale nie mam żadnych butów.

I don't have money, but I have dreams.

Nie mam pieniędzy, ale mam marzenia.

- I have one sister.
- I have a sister.

Mam jedną siostrę.

- I have little appetite.
- I have no appetite.

Nie mam apetytu.

- I have 13 cats.
- I have thirteen cats.

Mam trzynaście kotów.

- I have to hurry!
- I have to hurry.

Muszę się śpieszyć.

- I don't have kids.
- I have no kids.

Nie mam dzieci.

- Have a good journey!
- Have a good trip!

Miłej podróży!

- I have a girlfriend.
- I have a friend.

- Mam przyjaciela.
- Mam przyjaciółkę.

- Have a nice trip!
- Have a nice trip.

- Szerokiej drogi!
- Miłej podróży!

- Guys have feelings too.
- Guys have feelings, too.

Faceci też mają uczucia.

- Do you have time?
- Have you got time?

- Czy ma pan czas?
- Czy ma pani czas?

- I have poor eyesight.
- I have bad eyesight.

- Słabo widzę.
- Mam marny wzrok.

- Do you have children?
- Do you have kids?

Masz dzieci?

- We have two kids.
- We have two children.

- Mamy dwoje dzieci.
- Mamy dwójkę dzieci.

- Have a nice Thanksgiving!
- Have a nice Thanksgiving.

Miłego Święta Dziękczynienia!

- Have a nice day.
- Have a nice day!

Miłego dnia!

- We have water enough.
- We have enough water.

Mamy wystarczająco dużo wody.

- You have one hour.
- They have one hour.

Ma pan godzinę czasu.

- You can have it.
- You may have it.

Możesz to mieć.

- I do not have any money.
- I have no money.
- I don't have any money.
- I don't have money.

Nie mam pieniędzy.

- Do you have a dog?
- Have you got a dog?
- Have you a dog?

- Czy ma pan psa?
- Masz psa?

- I have a little money.
- I have got some money.
- I have some money.

Mam trochę pieniędzy.

- I have a fever.
- I have a high fever.
- I have a high temperature.

Mam wysoką temperaturę.

- Have you got any beer?
- Do you have any beer?
- Do you have beer?

Czy jest piwo?

- I don't have any sisters.
- I have no sisters.
- I don't have any sister.

Nie mam sióstr.

- Have you eaten lunch yet?
- Have you had lunch?
- Have you already eaten lunch?

Zjadłeś już obiad?

- Do you have any allergies?
- Have you got any allergies?
- Have you any allergies?

Jesteś na coś uczulony?

- Do you have any children?
- Do you have kids?
- Do you have any kids?

Ma pan dzieci?

- Have you eaten lunch yet?
- Have you had dinner already?
- Have you had lunch?

Czy jadł pan już obiad?