Translation of "Revolutionary" in Japanese

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Examples of using "Revolutionary" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

It didn't seem particularly revolutionary,


The revolutionary council met to plan strategy.


By the time the French  Revolutionary Wars broke out,  


Russia joined the coalition of European powers fighting Revolutionary France.

ロシアは革命フランスに対抗する ヨーロッパの同盟に参加

And the bust of a Russian Communist revolutionary, Vladimir Lenin.

ロシア革命を起こしたレーニンの胸像が 置いてあります

Every inch the soldier, the Revolutionary  Wars brought Lefebvre opportunity for active  

兵士の隅々まで、革命戦争はルフェーブルに積極的な 指揮と迅速な昇進の

Suchet drew on French experience of fighting counter-revolutionary insurgents in the Vendée,


The most radical revolutionary will become a conservative the day after the revolution.


He became a tough, capable sergeant, and in the build-up to the Revolutionary Wars, joined

。 彼はタフで有能な軍曹になり、革命戦争に向け て新しい 軍曹に加わりまし

In the Revolutionary Wars, he won a reputation as a hard-working, intelligent and brave officer,


The Revolutionary Wars brought the opportunity for  rapid promotion, and by 1793 he was commanding an  

フランス革命戦争は急速な昇進の機会をもたらし、1793年までに彼は トゥーロン包囲戦で歩兵大隊を

To his immense frustration, he saw little action  in the early years of the Revolutionary Wars,  


The revolutionary government, while raising troops from the masses and fighting a defensive battle, established a republic and executed Louis XVI.
