Translation of "Corps’  " in Japanese

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Examples of using "Corps’  " in a sentence and their japanese translations:



Lannes’ Fifth Corps.

元帥 の第5軍団の 師団の指揮を与えられました

7 astronaut corps.

7宇宙飛行士隊の 一部でした 。

Oudinot’s Second Corps and Davout’s Third Corps advanced towards the Wagram.

ウディノ第Ⅱ軍団とダヴー第Ⅲ軍団は ヴァグラムに向かった

Third Corps escaped the encirclement.


The next year his impeccably-drilled troops became Fourth Corps - the largest corps of

翌年、彼の完璧に掘削された部隊は、第4軍団( グランデアルメの

Destroy Ney’s Sixth Corps near Guttstadt.


Ney and Third Corps took over.


Lefebvre’s Bavarian Seventh Corps was crucial  

ナポレオンが指揮を執るために到着するまで 、

Army.. he ordered Davout’s Third Corps and  Bernadotte’s First Corps to cut off their retreat.


There was a Polish corps from the Dutchy of Warsaw, led by Prince Poniatowksi, a corps

ポーランド軍団がワルシャワ大公国から ポニャトフスキ大公指揮で参加

When Bennigsen located Lannes’  apparently-isolated corps  


In 1808, Marshal Victor and First Corps  


The next year, Davout’s troops became Third Corps  

はグランデアルメの 第3軍団 に

It was a remarkable performance by Third Corps….  


This time Third Corps could not break through,  


In Germany in 1813, Victor commanded Second Corps,  


He commanded Seventh Corps in the 1805 campaign,  


Leading Seventh Corps against  the Prussian southern flank.


Victor’s Ninth Corps was  ordered to form the rearguard.


A remarkable escape, but his  corps suffered heavy losses.


While the other corps were  engaged in ferocious fighting.

。 ナポレオンが退却する オーストリア人

Back in command of Fifth  Corps, Lannes was as active,  

第5軍団の指揮下に戻ったランヌは 、相変わらず

With no sign of support from  Marshal Bernadotte’s First Corps,  


Davout and his corps had emerged  from another major campaign  

、英雄として 別の主要なキャンペーンから現れました

Davout’s giant corps was the  spear-tip of Napoleon’s invasion.


His troops had to be rescued by Marshal Lannes’ corps.


Ten weeks later he was back  with his corps, marching  


Since Oudinot’s Second Corps  was in better shape than most,  


Friedland, with command of First  Corps passing to General Victor.

の戦いも逃し、 第1軍団の指揮がビクター将軍に渡された。

But led Seventh Corps into battle  in terrible winter conditions.  


Lefebvre’s record as a corps  commander was mixed – in Spain  


And commanded Fifth Corps at  the brutal Siege of Zaragoza.


Marched his corps over to the  Allied lines and surrendered.  

は彼の軍団を連合軍の 戦線に 行進させて降伏した。

Taking command of Marshal Moncey’s  Third Corps, Lannes routed a Spanish  

加わった 。 ランヌはモンシー元帥の第3軍団の指揮を執り、

The remains of Davout’s corps were  ordered to form the rearguard.


In 1808, Ney commanded a corps during the invasion of Spain.


His corps commanders, especially Marshal Ney, were scathing of his conduct.


Napoleon chose Oudinot to succeed  him as commander of Second Corps.


Russian hussars charged and routed part of Arrighi’s Third Cavalry Corps.

ロシアのフサールが アリギ第Ⅲ騎兵軍団の一部を敗走させた

Hesitant and muddled, and nearly led to  Marshal Davout’s corps being encircled.


The next day, Lannes’ corps led  an attack on the Austrian centre,  


The next year at Eylau, Davout’s  corps again played a pivotal role,  


A month later at the Battle of  Aspern, Davout and Third Corps  


Then on Marshal Lannes’ recommendation, Napoleon gave him command of Third Corps,


The next year, he was leading Sixth Corps to war against Austria.


Napoleon then entrusted Ney with command of three army corps – 84,000 men.


Loyal remnants of Macdonald’s corps to fight their way back to Poland.


Oudinot continued to serve the Emperor  courageously and loyally as a corps  

ウディノは 1814年の最後のキャンペーンで

His Ninth Corps was held in  reserve for most of the campaign,  


His corps was in heavy fighting  again at Leipzig two months later.


But the next year at Friedland,  his corps played an important role  

しかし、翌年のフリードランドでは 、皇帝がロシア人に壊滅的な敗北をもたらしたため

Was a colonel in the Topographical Engineers  – a specialist corps of military surveyors.


The following year he took command  of Fifth Corps of the Grande Armée,  


In 1809, with war looming with Austria,  Davout rejoined Third Corps at Regensburg.


Thirteenth Corps, and – following Napoleon’s  defeat at Leipzig - withstood a six-month siege.

を組織し、 ライプツィヒでのナポレオンの敗北に続いて、6か月の包囲に耐えました。

Sixth Corps’ onslaught shattered the Russian left, leading to one of Napoleon’s most

第6軍団の猛攻撃はロシアの左翼を粉砕し、ナポレオンの最も 決定的な勝利

This corps, composed of German troops and reluctant Prussian allies, guarded the left

この軍隊は、ドイツ軍と消極的なプロイセンの同盟国で構成されており 、侵略の

He led his new corps with such  success at Wagram six weeks later,  


That autumn, his corps attempted to cover  the main army’s retreat from Moscow.


Murat took command of four cavalry corps,  and became Napoleon’s second-in-command.


She got her feet wet teaching while she was in the Peace Corps.


His Provisional Corps formed the vanguard for  Napoleon’s “Four-Day Campaign” – a series of  

彼の暫定軍団はナポレオンの「4日間のキャンペーン」の先駆者を形成し ました。これ はオーストリア人に対する

Davout’s masterful handling of his troops enabled  Third Corps to repel the Prussian onslaught.  


Ney’s corps took over as rearguard,  but when he became cut off at Krasny,  


Their decision was vindicated when Sixth Corps won a brilliant action at Elchingen, that

ました。 彼らの決定は、第6軍団がエルヒンゲンで見事な行動を勝ち取り、

The winter manoeuvring culminated in the horrific Battle of Eylau, which Ney’s corps reached

冬の機動は、 暗闇が落ちたとき に のみ ネイの軍隊が到達した恐ろしいアイラウの戦いで最高潮に達しました

That December, at Austerlitz, Napoleon entrusted Soult’s corps with the main attack on the

その12月、オーステルリッツで、ナポレオンはソウルトの軍団に 敵の中心

In 1812, he was given command of Tenth Corps for the invasion of Russia.


Saint-Cyr returned to the Grande Armée in  August, taking command of Fourteenth Corps  


He was further frustrated in 1805,  when his corps was sent to guard the  

彼は1805年に 軍の戦略的な南側の側面 を守るために部隊が派遣されたときにさらに苛立ち、

On their left flank Marshal Macdonald led Tenth Corps, with a large Prussian contingent…

左翼ではマクドナル元帥が第Ⅹ軍団と プロイセン軍部隊を率いる

While two French corps under Marshal Lannes began a second, bloody siege of Zaragoza,


But then the bridge broke again, leaving Davout’s Third Corps still waiting to cross.

しかしまたも橋が破壊され ダヴー第Ⅲ軍団はさらに待たされた

But within the astronaut corps, the first crewed flight of the Lunar Module was seen


In the battle that followed, Lannes’ Fifth Corps  held the left flank against Bagration’s attacks…  


He later gave Third Corps the honour of  being the first troops to enter Berlin.


Davout and Third Corps were able to fight  their way clear, and rejoin the army.


Davout’s First Corps alone was 72,000 strong,  as big as Napoleon’s entire army at Austerlitz.


Near Vyazma a gap opened up, and Russian General  Miloradovich pounced – First Corps was routed,  


Cool under fire and a brilliant tactician,  he was the ideal corps commander in battle.  

Cool under fire and a brilliant tactician, he was the ideal corps commander in battle.

Ney’s corps missed the Battle of Austerlitz, but was in action against the Prussians the

。 ネイの軍隊はアウステルリッツの戦いを逃したが、 翌年に

He’d be needed in Russia, and was recalled in 1812, with command of Third Corps.


Fourth Corps’ attack was the decisive blow of the battle, though its success owed much


Of his corps at the height of the battle, covered by Marshal Bessiéres cavalry charge.

戦闘の最盛期に、ベシエール騎兵隊の突撃隊によってカバーされた彼の軍団の 複雑な再配置を組織することができました 。

In 1808 Saint-Cyr was given command  of a corps for the invasion of Spain.  


In 1812 he was recalled for the Russia  campaign, with command of Sixth Bavarian Corps.


In 1812 Marshal Oudinot led Second Corps into  Russia, but was wounded again at Polotsk,  


Inspiring the troops of Tenth Corps by leading  one counter-attack in person. After the  

1回の反撃を直接主導して、第10軍団の軍隊を鼓舞した。 包囲 が 無事に終了した

Mortier and Eighth Corps were in a supporting  role for the Jena campaign of 1806.


At the Battle of Laon, he allowed his  corps to be surprised by the enemy,  


In the bloody battle that followed, Davout’s corps  led the frontal attack on the Fléches earthworks.


Amid the slaughter of Borodino, Ney led his corps in attack after attack on the Russian

土工 への攻撃の後、彼の軍団を攻撃に導いた 。 彼らがついに連れて行かれ、ナポレオンは 彼らの苦労して獲得した利益を追跡する

He continued to command Eleventh Corps, and was in the thick of the fighting at Leipzig

彼は第11軍団を指揮し続け、 2か月後に

In 1807 he commanded Fifth Corps in Poland, but his role covering Warsaw meant he missed


Corps. Napoleon agreed, and in October, Victor  served as Lannes’ deputy at the Battle of Jena.


First Corps at Friedland, where he successfully  led a major attack as the Emperor looked on.

を指揮するために介入 し、皇帝が見守る中、大規模な攻撃を首尾よく主導しました。

Moved by this response, Napoleon relented and  gave Victor command of a corps of Young Guard.


That year, Napoleon made Bernadotte a Marshal,  and he commanded First Corps at the Battle of  

その年、ナポレオンはベルナドットを元帥にし、 アウステルリッツ の戦いで第1軍団を指揮

When war resumed with Austria in 1809, Bernadotte  was given command of the Ninth Saxon Corps.
