Translation of "Shaving" in French

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Shaving" in a sentence and their french translations:

Shaving takes time.

Se raser prends du temps.

Tom is shaving.

Tom se rase.

- I cut myself shaving.
- I cut myself while shaving.

- Je me suis coupé en me rasant.
- Je me suis coupée en me rasant.

I cut myself shaving.

Je me suis coupé en me rasant.

Dan cut himself shaving.

Dan se coupa en se rasant.

Tom is shaving his beard.

Tom se rase la barbe.

I lather my face before shaving.

Je me savonne le visage avant de me raser.

I cut myself shaving this morning.

Je me suis coupé en me rasant ce matin.

My father is shaving in the bathroom.

Mon père est en train de se raser dans la salle de bains.

How much time do you spend shaving every day?

Combien de temps passes-tu chaque jour à te raser ?

Shaving your hair is better than ripping it off.

Raser les cheveux vaut mieux que les arracher.

He uses an old-style razor, with shaving cream, for a closer shave.

Il utilise un rasoir classique avec de la mousse à raser pour un rasage de plus près.

As is often the case with him, he went to the office without shaving.

Comme c'est souvent le cas avec lui, il partit au bureau sans se raser.

The wife murderer claimed that the scratch marks on his face were the result of his cutting himself while shaving.

L'épouse meurtrière prétendit que les traces de griffures sur son visage étaient dues à des coupures en se rasant.