Translation of "Puppies" in French

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Puppies" in a sentence and their french translations:

What adorable puppies!

Quels adorables chiots !

I really like puppies.

- J'aime vraiment les chiots.
- J'aime beaucoup les chiots.

What lovely puppies they are!

Quels mignons petits chiots !

She has no more than twelve puppies.

Il n'a pas moins de douze enfants.

Her many puppies run around in the yard every day.

Ses nombreux chiots courent dans le jardin tous les jours.

- Her many little dogs run about in the garden every day.
- Her many puppies run around in the yard every day.

Ses nombreux chiots courent dans le jardin tous les jours.