Translation of "Piles" in French

0.040 sec.

Examples of using "Piles" in a sentence and their french translations:

We spend piles of money on the things we don't really use.

On a dépensé un paquet d'argent sur des choses dont on ne se sert pas vraiment.

Keiko deftly piles up the cutlery and takes them to the sink.

Keiko empile la coutellerie de manière efficace et l'amène au lavabo.

- He has any number of books.
- He has a shedload of books.
- He's got a shedload of books.
- He has loads of books.
- He's got loads of books.
- He has piles of books.
- He's got piles of books.
- He has tons of books.
- He's got tons of books.

Il possède beaucoup de livres.

"Here, where thou seest the riven piles o'erthrown, / mixt dust and smoke, rock torn from rock away, / great Neptune's trident shakes the bulwarks down, / and from its lowest base uproots the trembling town."

" Vois-tu ces longs débris, ces pierres dispersées, / de ces brûlantes tours les masses renversées, / cette poudre, ces feux ondoyants dans les airs ? / Là, le trident en main, le puissant dieu des mers, / de la terre à grands coups entr'ouvrant les entrailles, / à leur base profonde arrache nos murailles, / et dans ses fondements déracine Ilion. "