Translation of "Hoped" in French

0.012 sec.

Examples of using "Hoped" in a sentence and their french translations:

We hoped you'd forget.

Nous espérions que vous auriez oublié.

He hoped to succeed.

Il espérait réussir.

Tom hoped to succeed.

Tom espérait réussir.

- We hoped that she would win.
- We hoped she would win.

Nous espérions qu'elle gagne.

Found everything you hoped for?

Vous avez trouvé tout ce que vous espériez?

Everyone hoped that she would win.

Chacun espérait qu'elle gagnât.

It was everything I hoped for.

C'était tout ce que j'espérais.

It was everything he hoped for.

C'était tout ce qu'il espérait.

It was everything she hoped for.

- C'était tout ce qu'elle espérait.
- C'était tout ce qu'elle avait espéré.

We hoped that she would win.

Nous espérions qu'elle gagne.

I'd hoped to speak with him.

J'espérais parler avec lui.

Tom hoped to find the truth.

Tom espérait trouver la vérité.

- He hoped that he had passed.
- He hoped he had passed.
- He was hoping he'd passed.

Il espérait avoir réussi.

My family had hoped for a boy,

Ma famille espérait un garçon,

I had hoped to save more money.

J'avais espéré épargner davantage d'argent.

I had hoped we might become friends.

- J'avais espéré que nous pourrions devenir amis.
- J'avais espéré que nous pourrions devenir amies.

I had hoped you might say that.

J'avais espéré que tu dirais ça.

I achieved all I hoped to do today.

J'ai accompli tout ce que j'espérais faire aujourd'hui.

He hoped to find fame as a poet.

Il espérait devenir célèbre en tant que poète.

It's just as I hoped it would be.

C'est exactement comme je l'espérais.

I hoped you would understand what I meant.

J'ai eu espoir que tu comprendrais ce que je pensais.

They hoped for even better days to come.

Ils espéraient en des jours encore meilleurs.

Tom hoped to get back together with Mary.

Tom espérait renouer avec Marie.

- We had hoped that the rain would stop before noon.
- We had hoped the rain would stop before noon.

Nous avions espéré que la pluie cesse avant midi.

- I hoped to get an email from you today.
- I had hoped to get an email from you today.

J'espérais recevoir un courriel de toi aujourd'hui.

- Tom said he hoped he'd be able to help us.
- Tom said that he hoped he'd be able to help us.
- Tom said that he hoped that he'd be able to help us.
- Tom said he hoped that he'd be able to help us.

Tom a dit qu'il espérait pouvoir nous aider.

- Tom said he hoped he'd be able to do that.
- Tom said that he hoped he'd be able to do that.
- Tom said that he hoped that he'd be able to do that.
- Tom said he hoped that he'd be able to do that.

Tom a dit qu'il espérait pouvoir faire ça.

I hoped to get an email from Mary today.

J'espérais recevoir un courriel de Marie aujourd'hui.

We hoped we'd be able to win the game.

On espérait pouvoir gagner la partie.

Tom hoped Mary would come back home for Christmas.

Tom espérait que Marie reviendrait à la maison pour Noël.

Layla hoped Sami would leave his wife some day.

Layla espérait que Sami quitterait sa femme un jour.

Tom is getting the results that he hoped for.

Tom obtient les résultats qu'il espérait.

- Tom hoped Mary wouldn't find out about what had happened.
- Tom hoped that Mary wouldn't find out about what had happened.

Tom espérait que Mary n'allait pas découvrir ce qui s'était passé.

If the exercise didn't work as you hoped it would,

Si l'exercice n'a pas fonctionné comme vous le vouliez,

For seven long months, her parents had hoped and trembled.

Pendant sept longs mois, ses parents avaient espéré et tremblé.

I think your father hoped you would go to college.

Je pense que ton père espérait que tu irais au lycée.

They hoped to sell the stocks at even higher prices.

Ils espéraient vendre les actions à des prix encore plus élevés.

The film was interesting, which I hoped it would be.

Le film était intéressant, comme je l'avais espéré.

I hoped that my traffic would go through the roof,

J'espérais que mon trafic passerait par le toit,

- I don't think the house is as big as we hoped.
- I don't think that the house is as big as we hoped.

Je ne pense pas que la maison soit aussi grande que nous l'espérions.

- He hoped he had been successful.
- He was hoping he'd been successful.
- He hoped he had succeeded.
- He was hoping he had succeeded.

Il espérait avoir réussi.

And he had hoped that immigrating to Northern Ireland from Somalia

et lorsqu'il avait émigré de Somalie vers l'Irlande du Nord,

They talked about what kind of future they all hoped for,

Ils ont parlé du futur qu'ils espéraient

Many hoped the next mission would attempt the first moon landing.

Beaucoup espéraient que la prochaine mission tenterait le premier atterrissage sur la lune.

The results of the experiment were not as we had hoped.

Les résultats de l'expérience ne furent pas tels que nous les avions espérés.

I don't think the house is as big as we hoped.

Je ne pense pas que la maison soit aussi grande que nous l'espérions.

We hoped to have done with the work before the holidays.

Nous espérions avoir fini le travail avant les vacances.

Whenever they saw him, and hoped  to capture him alive if possible.

chaque fois qu'ils le voyaient, et espéraient le capturer vivant si possible.

I had hoped that my mother would live until I got married.

J'avais espéré que ma mère vivrait jusqu'à ce que je sois marié.

I hoped that I would marry while my mother was still alive.

J'espérais me marier tandis que ma mère était encore en vie.

I had hoped, at the very least, they wouldn't stop being my friends

J'espérais, au moins, qu'ils seraient toujours mes amis

He had hoped to found a new company after the merger was complete.

Il avait espéré constituer une nouvelle société après que la fusion soit achevée.

- It's exactly as I expected.
- It's just as I hoped it would be.

C'est exactement comme je l'espérais.

We hoped some students would come, but there were none in the classroom.

Nous espérions que quelques étudiants seraient venus, mais il n'y en avait aucun dans la classe.

Spotting the movement, tribal sentries raise the alarm and, just as Hannibal had hoped,

Repérant le mouvement, les sentinelles tribales sonnent l'alarme et, tout comme Hannibal l'avait espéré,

Mack desperately hoped that Kutuzov’s Russian army could arrive in time to save him, but

Mack espérait désespérément que l'armée russe de Koutouzov pourrait arriver à temps pour le sauver, mais

- That's not the answer I hoped for.
- That isn't the response that I was expecting.

Ce n'est pas la réponse que j'attendais.

When Napoleon deposed Spain’s Bourbon monarchy,  Murat hoped he’d be made the new King of Spain,  

Lorsque Napoléon déposa la monarchie bourbonienne d'Espagne, Murat espéra qu'il deviendrait le nouveau roi d'Espagne,

Tom hoped that the doctors would tell him that he didn't need the surgery after all.

Tom espérait que les médecins lui diraient qu'il n'aurait finalement pas besoin de se faire opérer.

They hoped that a few more days of solitary confinement would make the prisoner more pliant.

- Ils espéraient que quelques jours supplémentaires d'isolement cellulaire rendraient le prisonnier plus docile.
- Elles espéraient que quelques jours supplémentaires d'isolement cellulaire rendraient le prisonnier plus docile.

Of course he hoped for success. But in reality it turned out to be no good at all.

Certes il souhaita son succès, mais en réalité il n'en eut aucun.

- The film he was in didn't achieve the success that had been hoped for it.
- The film in which he played a part didn't achieve the success hoped for it.
- The film he was in didn't achieve the success expected.

Le film dans lequel il a joué n'a pas eu le succès auquel elles s'attendaient.

I had hoped to get another 50,000 miles out of my car, but it gave up the ghost on the expressway and it would cost too much to fix it.

J'avais espéré faire faire à ma voiture encore cinquante mille miles, mais elle a rendu l'âme sur l'autoroute et la réparation coûterait trop cher.