Translation of "Alright…" in French

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Alright…" in a sentence and their french translations:





- Alright.

- Très bien.

I'm alright.

Je vais bien.

That's alright.

- Ce n'est pas grave.
- Ça va.
- Ça convient.

- Good.
- Alright.


- Genius. Alright.

- Génie. Bien.

- Perfect, alright.

- Parfait, d'accord.

- Wow, alright.

- Ouah, d'accord.

Alright, cool.

Très bien cool.

Alright let's go.

Très bien. Allons-y.

Tastes alright, though!

C'est pas mauvais.

Leland Melvin: Alright.

Leland Melvin : Bien sûr.

Alright thanks. - Thanks.

D'accord merci. - Merci.

- All right.
- Alright.


Alright, that's enough.

Bien, en voilà assez.

Are you alright?

Tu vas bien ?

- Alright, that's great.

- D'accord, c'est génial.

Alright, my friends. Hello.

Chers amis, bonjour.

Alright. Are you ready?

D'accord ? Êtes-vous prêts ?

Alright - Here we go!

Bien - Nous y voilà!

And everything is alright?

Et tout va bien?

- Good.
- Alright.
- Agreed.
- Ok.

- D'accord.
- Très bien.

- Obviously.
- Duh.
- Understood.
- Alright.

- Évidemment.
- Pour sûr.
- Évidemment !
- Clairement.
- C'est clair.

But otherwise it looks alright.

mais que sinon tout semble ok.

Are you alright with this?

- Est-ce que ça vous va ?
- Est-ce que ça te va ?

And you wanna see, alright,

et tu veux voir, d'accord,

I mean, it's alright for you,

Je veux dire, d'accord pour toi,

- All right.
- Good.
- Okay.
- OK.
- Alright.

Ça va.

Together, but I own 100%, alright?

ensemble, mais je possède 100%, d'accord?

They just say, alright, here's Backlinko,

ils disent juste, d'accord, voici Backlinko,

NHH: Alright, Dr. Tompkins, let's get started.

NHH : Bon, Dr Tompkins, allons-y.

- Is he all right?
- Is he alright?

- Va-t-il bien ?
- Se porte-t-il bien ?

- Is Tom all right?
- Is Tom alright?

Est-ce que Tom va bien ?

"Alright here's a code for your website."

To the business, you figure out, alright,

à l'entreprise, vous trouvez, d'accord,

If they say oh well, blog, alright,

S'ils disent oh, blog, d'accord,

- Is she all right?
- Is he all right?
- Is he alright?
- Is she alright?
- Is she okay?

- Va-t-elle bien ?
- Se porte-t-elle bien ?

Alright, are you ready? For your first one?

Vous êtes prêts pour la première question ?

Alright, so just give us a comfortable "e."

Bien, fais-nous un beau « e ».

- Is everything OK here?
- Is everything alright here?

- Est-ce que tout va bien ici ?
- Est-ce que tout va bien ici ?

Alright, Sir. That will pretty much do it.

- Eh bien, Monsieur. Ça devrait faire l'affaire !
- Eh bien, Monsieur. Ça devrait à peu près aller ainsi.

If you need anything, you can call, alright?

- Si tu as besoin de quoi que ce soit, tu peux appeler, c'est d'accord ?
- Si vous avez besoin de quoi que ce soit, vous pouvez appeler, c'est d'accord ?

- All right.
- Okey-dokey.
- Okay.
- OK.
- Alright.
- Ok.

- C'est entendu.
- D'accord.

- I'm fine.
- I'm OK.
- That's OK.
- That's alright.

Ça va.

Alright! I'm waiting for you in the restaurant.

Entendu ! Je t'attends au restaurant.

Alright, awesome, so if you guys enjoyed this

D'accord, génial, donc si vous avez aimé ça

Alright, now that you have your card in mind,

Très bien, maintenant que vous avez une carte en tête,

Alright, millennials, this is what I learned about us.

La génération Y, voici ce que j'ai appris sur nous.

Alright, so let's talk about another tool for foresight.

Passons à un autre outil d'anticipation.

- Fair enough!
- All right.
- Alright.
- Agreed.
- Ok.
- Will do.

- D'accord.
- Bon, d'accord !

Alright. I am going to tell you a story.

Bon. Je vais vous raconter une histoire.

If the sentence has a good rhythm, it's alright.

Si la phrase a un bon rythme, c'est juste.

Some people are like, "Yeah ... it's fine. I felt alright."

Certains pensent que, ouais, ça va, ils se sentent bien.

Let's leave it at that, alright? Look at those glasses.

Restons-en là, d'accord ? Regardez ces lunettes.

- Alright, that's enough.
- OK, that's enough.
- All right, that's enough.

- Bien, il suffit !
- Bien, en voilà assez.

- Is Tom all right?
- Is Tom OK?
- Is Tom alright?

Est-ce que Tom va bien ?

It is alright, you don't need to see me off.

C'est bon, pas besoin de me raccompagner.

- They were fine.
- They were alright.
- They were all right.

- Ils étaient bien.
- Elles étaient bien.

- All right.
- It's nice.
- So be it.
- Good.
- That's alright.

- D'accord.
- Ça va.
- C’est bon.

Alright, show me some of the stuff you would do.

Bon, montre moi quelques les choses que vous feriez.

- Is she all right?
- Is she nice?
- It's THAT good?!
- Is he all right?
- Is he alright?
- Is she alright?
- Is the person good?

C'est aussi bon que ça ?!

If it's alright with you, I think I'll go to sleep.

Si vous n'y voyez pas d'inconvénient, je crois que je vais aller dormir.

- Luckily you're alright.
- Good thing you're fine.
- I'm glad you're fine.

Heureusement que tu vas bien.

Alright, so for those of you who might be a little squeamish,

Bien, donc pour ceux qui sont un peu sensibles,

Alright, so this is what it looks like when Tom does it.

Bien, voici à quoi ça ressemble quand Tom le fait.

I look at it as like, alright let me go to sites

Je le regarde comme si, bien me laisser aller aux sites

- You all right?
- Are you all right?
- Are you OK?
- Are you alright?

- Ça va bien ?
- Tu vas bien ?
- Te sens-tu bien ?

I need someone to hold me and tell me everything will be alright.

J'ai besoin que quelqu'un me serre dans ses bras et me dise que tout ira bien.

And I wasn't that excited about it, but I figured, "Alright, here we go."

Ça ne m’inspirait pas vraiment mais je me suis décidée à le faire.

- Everything is OK.
- Everything is fine.
- All is well.
- Everything is alright.
- Everything's fine.

Tout va bien.

- You all right?
- Are you all right?
- Are you OK?
- Are you alright?
- Are you okay?

Tu vas bien ?

- It's OK.
- That's OK.
- That's okay.
- That's good.
- That's fine.
- It's okay.
- It's fine.
- That's alright.

C'est bien.

- Tom is all right now.
- Tom is alright now.
- Tom's all right now.
- Tom is OK now.

Thomas est OK maintenant.

- Everything is OK.
- Everything is all right.
- It's OK.
- Everything is alright.
- Everything's fine.
- Everything's in order.

- Tout va bien.
- Ça va.
- Tout est en ordre.

- Everything is OK.
- Everything is fine.
- Everything is all right.
- Everything is alright.
- Everything's fine.
- Everything's OK.

Tout est en ordre.

- Fair enough!
- All right.
- Great!
- Okey-dokey.
- Okey doke.
- Good.
- Okay.
- OK.
- Alright.
- Fair enough.
- Gotcha.
- Agreed.
- Well!
- Ok.

- D'accord.
- D'ac.
- Bien.
- Fort bien !
- Bon, d'accord !
- Très bien.

- Is Tom doing okay?
- Is Tom all right?
- Is Tom OK?
- Is Tom well?
- Is Tom doing OK?
- Is Tom alright?

- Est-ce que Tom va bien ?
- Est-ce que Tom va bien ?

- I'm doing fine.
- I'm fine.
- I am well.
- I am fine.
- I'm alright.
- I'm all right.
- I'm doing okay.
- I'm well.

- Je vais bien.
- Je me sens bien !

- Everything is OK.
- Everything is fine.
- All is well.
- Everything is alright.
- Everything's fine.
- Everything's OK.
- Everything is good.
- Everything is going fine.
- It's all right!

- Tout va bien.
- Tout est bon.

- Is Tom doing okay?
- Is Tom all right?
- Is Tom OK?
- Is Tom well?
- Is Tom doing OK?
- Is everything OK with Tom?
- Is Tom alright?

- Est-ce que Tom va bien ?
- Est-ce que Tom va bien ?
- Tom va-t-il bien ?

- I'm doing fine.
- I'm fine.
- It's all right with me.
- I am okay.
- I'm OK.
- I'm doing well.
- I am fine.
- I'm alright.
- I'm all right.
- I'm okay.
- I'm well.

Je vais bien.

- Everything will be OK.
- All will be fine.
- Everything's going to be OK.
- It will be fine.
- Everything will be fine.
- Everything will be alright.
- It's all going to be all right.
- Everything is going to turn out OK.

Tout ira bien.

- Life is beautiful.
- Everything is OK.
- Everything is fine.
- All is well.
- Everything is all right.
- No problem.
- Everything will be OK.
- Everything is alright.
- Everything's going to be OK.
- Everything will be fine.
- All will be well.
- Everything's OK.
- All is good.
- Everything's going to be okay.
- It'll be OK.
- Life is great.
- It'll be okay.

Tout va bien.

- Everything will be OK.
- All will be fine.
- Everything's going to be OK.
- It's all going to be OK.
- Everything will be fine.
- Everything's going to be fine.
- All will be well.
- Everything's going to be okay.
- Everything will be okay.
- It's all going to be okay.
- Everything will be alright.
- Everything's going to be all right.
- Everything is going to be fine.
- Everything will be all right.
- Everything is going to be OK.
- It's all going to be all right.
- It's all going to be fine.
- It'll be all right.
- Everything'll be all right.

Tout ira bien.

After eating the sturdy meal and packing his school bag, Link wanted to get some last-minute reassurance from his friends. "Hey, Zelda, I need some advice." "Don't tell me you're already scared," Zelda frowned. "No. I just want some advice from someone who's been in high school already, and you're the smartest person I know!" Link smiled. Zelda let out a gentle laugh. "Thanks. Well, you—" "The teachers are so strict that you're not even allowed to breathe!" interrupted the King with a wicked grin. "Huh?!" "Father!" the princess exclaimed reproachfully. "Sorry, go on." "Now, Link—" She was cut off by the bus horn this time. "Oh, my bus must be around here now," said Link quickly, "byes!" "Beware of the meat hash surprise!" Gwonam seemed to have jumped out from nowhere. "Hey, don't get shot!" added the King, and both of them sniggered. Link was taken aback and looked highly upset for a moment, but Zelda was there to support him: "Don't pay attention to 'em, Link. It's not that bad. I'm sure—" "Zelda, don't worry. I'll be fine." In an instant Link was back to being his beaming self. "Alright. Give me a goodbye kiss." However, Link was of a different mind on this idea and replied snidely, with teenage cruelty, "Hell no, screw that! I gave up on your royal ass years ago. I still love you though," added he as an afterthought before leaving the castle. "Yeah, I don't know what she's worried about. I'm going to be alright!" he thought confidently as he got on the bus.

Le repas copieux pris et son cartable fin prêt, Link chercha in extremis du réconfort auprès de ses amis. "Zelda, j'ai besoin de conseils." "Tu n'as quand même pas déjà peur", dit Zelda, renfrognée. "Non. Je veux juste l'avis de quelqu'un qui a déjà été au lycée et tu es la personne la plus intelligente que je connaisse !" Link sourit. Zelda laissa échapper un léger rire. "Merci. Toi alors..." "Les profs sont d'une sévérité à couper le souffle !" interrompit le roi d'un sourire malicieux. "Hein ?!" "Père !" s'exclama la princesse d'un ton réprobateur. "Désolé, poursuis." "Donc, Link-" Cette fois, un bruit de klaxon lui coupa la parole. "Ça doit être mon bus qui arrive," dit Link prestement, "Au revoir, tout le monde !" "Gare au hachis surprise !" Gwonam sembla jaillir de nulle part. "Hé, évite d'être touché !" ajouta le Roi et les deux ricanèrent. Link, pris de court, sembla brièvement vexé, mais Zelda lui témoigna son soutien : "Ne t'occupe pas d'eux, Link. Ça ira. J'en suis sûr..." "Ne t'inquiète pas, Zelda. Tout ira bien." Link redevint aussitôt radieux. "Bien. Embrasse-moi avant de partir." Mais Link fit volte-face et rétorqua sournoisement et avec une cruauté d'ado, "Dans tes rêves, princesse ! Voilà longtemps que je n'ai plus d'illusions avec toi. Mais je t'aime toujours," ajouta-t-il après coup avant de quitter le château. "Je ne vois pas ce qui la préoccupe. Tout ira bien" se dit-il en montant dans le bus, confiant.