Translation of "Needn't" in Dutch

0.018 sec.

Examples of using "Needn't" in a sentence and their dutch translations:

We needn't have hurried.

We hadden ons niet hoeven haasten.

He needn't have come himself.

Hij had zelf niet hoeven komen.

You needn't count on me.

Op mij hoef je niet te rekenen.

She needn't have come to the meeting.

Ze had niet naar de vergadering hoeven te komen.

- You needn't have come.
- You didn't need to come.

Je hoefde niet te komen.

- You needn't stand up.
- You don't need to stand up.

Je hoeft niet op te staan.

- You needn't prepare a formal speech.
- You don't need to prepare a formal speech.

Je hoeft geen formele toespraak voor te bereiden.

- You needn't finish it by tomorrow.
- You don't need to finish it by tomorrow.

Je hoeft het morgen niet af te hebben.

- We needn't have hurried.
- We didn't need to hurry.
- We didn't have to hurry.

- We hoefden ons niet te haasten.
- We hadden ons niet hoeven haasten.

- You needn't be afraid of making mistakes.
- You don't need to be afraid of making mistakes.

Je hoeft niet bang te zijn om fouten te maken.

- You needn't stand up.
- You don't have to stand up.
- You haven't got to stand up.

Jullie hoeven niet op te staan.

- You needn't do it at once.
- You don't need to do that right away.
- You need not do it at once.

- Je moet het niet meteen doen.
- Je hoeft het nu niet te doen.
- Je hoeft het niet meteen te doen.

- You needn't stand up.
- You don't need to stand up.
- You don't have to stand up.
- You haven't got to stand up.

- Je hoeft niet op te staan.
- Niet nodig dat je opstaat.

- You needn't prepare a formal speech.
- You don't need to prepare a formal speech.
- You haven't got to prepare a formal speech.

Je hoeft geen formele toespraak voor te bereiden.

- You needn't prepare a formal speech.
- You don't need to prepare a formal speech.
- There's no need for you to prepare a formal speech.

Je hoeft geen formele toespraak voor te bereiden.

- I know I made a mistake, but you needn't rub it in!
- I know I made a mistake, but you don't need to rub it in.

Ik weet dat ik een fout heb gemaakt, maar je hoeft het niet in te wrijven.

- I needn't have watered the flowers. Just after I finished, it started raining.
- I need not have watered the flowers. Just after I finished it started raining.

Het was niet nodig geweest de bloemen water te geven. Net toen ik klaar was, begon het te regenen.

- You needn't do it at once.
- You don't need to do that right away.
- You need not do it at once.
- You don't need to do that at once.

Je moet het niet meteen doen.

- You needn't answer the letter.
- You don't need to answer that letter.
- It isn't necessary to answer that letter.
- There is no need to reply to that letter.
- It's not necessary to answer that letter.

Het is niet nodig deze brief te beantwoorden.