Translation of "Historian" in Dutch

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Historian" in a sentence and their dutch translations:

He's a historian.

Hij is historicus.

I am a historian

Ik ben geschiedkundige

Tom is a historian.

Tom is historicus.

As the great Prussian historian, Lettow-Vorbeck, states:

Als de grote Pruisische historicus Lettow-Vorbeck, staten:

With expert guidance from Lieutenant Colonel Rémy Porte, former chief historian of the

onder deskundige begeleiding van luitenant-kolonel Rémy Porte, voormalig hoofdhistoricus van het

With expert guidance from Lieutenant Colonel Rémy  Porte, former chief historian of the French Army.

onder deskundige begeleiding van luitenant-kolonel Rémy Porte, voormalig hoofdhistoricus van het Franse leger.