Translation of "Constantly" in Dutch

0.013 sec.

Examples of using "Constantly" in a sentence and their dutch translations:

- He wore slippers constantly.
- He constantly wore slippers.

Hij liep voortdurend rond op slippers.

They fight constantly.

Ze vechten voortdurend.

I'm constantly studying.

Ik ben voortdurend aan het studeren.

Tom complains constantly.

Tom klaagt voortdurend.

- Tom is constantly complaining.
- Tom complains all the time.
- Tom complains constantly.
- Tom constantly complains.

Tom klaagt voortdurend.

They were constantly quarreling.

Ze maakten voortdurend ruzie.

He is constantly complaining.

Hij klaagt voortdurend.

I miss you constantly.

Ik mis je voortdurend.

She watches TV constantly.

Ze kijkt voortdurend televisie.

The wind blows constantly.

De wind waait constant.

Tom constantly felt anxious.

Tom was voortdurend bezorgd.

Software is constantly evolving.

Software evolueert voortdurend.

Tom constantly contradicts himself.

Tom spreekt zichzelf voortdurend tegen.

She is constantly writing letters.

Ze schrijft constant brieven.

I constantly talk to myself.

Ik praat constant met mezelf.

He constantly criticizes other people.

Hij bekritiseert voortdurend andere mensen.

Computers are constantly being improved.

Computers worden steeds verbeterd.

Tom and Mary fight constantly.

Tom en Maria vechten voortdurend.

I am constantly forgetting names.

Ik vergeet voortdurend namen.

His wife nags him constantly.

Zijn vrouw zit voortdurend aan zijn kop te zeuren.

She constantly checks her phone.

Ze controleert voortdurend haar telefoon.

I check her Facebook page constantly.

- Ik check haar Facebookpagina voortdurend.
- Ik controleer haar Facebookpagina constant.

- This old car is constantly breaking down.
- That old car is always breaking down.
- That old car constantly breaks down.
- This old car breaks down constantly.

Deze oude auto gaat steeds kapot.

Imagine if you had a friend who constantly pointed out

Stel je voor dat je een vriend had die je constant wees

- I miss you all the time.
- I miss you constantly.

Ik mis je voortdurend.

My dad is complaining; he's been constantly busy since last week.

Mijn vader is aan het klagen; hij is constant bezig geweest sinds vorige week.

- I'm always forgetting people's names.
- I am constantly forgetting people's names.

Ik vergeet altijd namen van mensen.

- I constantly talk to myself.
- I talk to myself all the time.

Ik praat constant met mezelf.

- Tom and Mary fight all the time.
- Tom and Mary fight constantly.

Tom en Maria vechten voortdurend.

Lately I've had the feeling there has been someone following me constantly.

De laatste tijd heb ik een gevoel dat er iemand mij constant volgt.

- She keeps on crying.
- She cries all the time.
- She cries constantly.

Zij weent voortdurend.

The ocean is a huge body of water that is constantly in motion.

De oceaan is een enorme watermassa die constant in beweging is.

I was at the zoo with my children, and the phone was ringing constantly.

Ik was met mijn kinderen in de dierentuin en mijn telefoon bleef maar gaan.

- She does nothing but cry.
- She keeps on crying.
- She cries all the time.
- She's always crying.
- She cries constantly.

Ze huilt voortdurend

- Constant dripping wears away a stone.
- Constant effort yields sure success.
- Even small drops striking constantly will bore through a granite mountain.

De gestadige drup holt de steen.

If you want that water pistol you'll just have to save money and buy it yourself. I can't constantly buy toys for you. I'm not made of money.

Als je dat waterpistool wilt hebben, moet je er zelf maar voor sparen. Ik kan geen speelgoed voor je blijven kopen. Het geld groeit niet op m'n rug.