Translation of "Condoms" in Dutch

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Condoms" in a sentence and their dutch translations:

Condoms are important.

Condooms zijn belangrijk.

They offer free condoms.

Ze bieden gratis condooms aan.

Tom bought some condoms.

Tom heeft wat condooms gekocht.

- Condoms offer protection against STDs.
- Condoms offer protection against sexually transmitted diseases.

Condooms bieden bescherming tegen seksueel overdraagbare ziekten.

Do you have any condoms?

- Heb je een condoom?
- Heb je condooms?
- Hebt u condooms?

Condoms greatly reduce the chances of pregnancy.

Condooms verkleinen de kans op zwangerschap sterk.

- Do you have a condom?
- Do you have any condoms?

Heb je een condoom?