Translation of "معد" in English

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Examples of using "معد" in a sentence and their english translations:

ربما سمعتم أن الاكتئاب معد

Maybe you've heard that depression is contagious

معد للغاية، لم نفعل شيئًا حياله،

very infectious, we didn't do anything about it,

الآن، للإجابة عن السؤال، استخدمت نموذجًا معد مسبقًا،

Now, to do this, I used an already-established model,

أن "يعاقب بالسجن من 3 أشهر إلى 3 سنوات ، الشخص الذي ، من خلال سلوكه ، يسهل نقل مرض معد وخطير".

that "Is punished by imprisonment from 3 months to 3 years, one who, by his conduct, facilitates the communication of a contagious and dangerous disease".