Translation of "ربما" in English

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Examples of using "ربما" in a sentence and their english translations:

ولكن ربما، ربما

but maybe, just maybe

أقول ربما، فقط ربما.

Like maybe, just maybe,

الخصر 300 ربما 500 ربما 1000

waist 300 maybe 500 maybe 1000

ربما هكذا؟

Perhaps like this?

ربما ظلمًا؟

Maybe unfairly?

ربما ستراه.

you might be able to spot it.

‫ربما نيصًا.‬

A porcupine...

‫ربما لا.‬

Maybe not.

ربما لا.

Maybe not.

ربما لحظة

maybe a moment

ربما طيب

May be ok

ربما ستأتي.

She may come.

ربما ستمطر.

- It may well rain.
- It will probably rain.
- It'll probably rain.

ربما أنجزنم البعض أو ربما أنجزتموهم كلهم.

You may have got some or you may have got all.

عندما نخبركم أننا ربما، ربما، مساوياتٍ لكم،

when we tell you that we might, we might have equality,

على أمل أنه في يوم، ربما، فقط ربما

with the hope that one day he might, just might,

ربما اتصلت بنفسها

maybe she called herself -

ربما يكون أنت!

It might be you!

ربما وضعها معاً...

maybe put them together...

مدهش، ربما 70%.

Wow, that's maybe 70%.

ربما قد لاحظت

As you might have noticed,

ربما تربيتم، مثلي،

You may have learned, as I did,

ربما تتسائلون، لماذا؟


أو ربما كهذا.

Or maybe like that.

ربما كان كذلك.

It might be.

ربما نكون ممثلين

we are probably representative

ربما هذا الحدث

Maybe this event

ربما سيخسر الانتخابات

maybe he will lose the elections

ربما سيغير رأيه.

He might change his mind.

ربما أنت محق.

Maybe you're right.

ربما توم يحبك.

Maybe Tom likes you.

ربما ذهبت لفتره

I may be gone for a while.

ربما قد تنجح.

- Maybe you'll succeed.
- You will probably succeed.

ربما بإمكاني المساعدة.

Maybe I can help.

ربما ستمطر غداً.

- It might rain tomorrow.
- It may rain tomorrow.

ربما ستمطر الليلة.

It may rain tonight.

ربما تأتي غدًا.

She might come tomorrow.

ربما تلتقي بتوم.

You might meet Tom.

ربما تعتقد أنني سخيفة،

You might be thinking I'm ridiculous,

ربما كنت أواجه الموت.

Maybe I was facing the d-word:

ربما تودون وضع الأرقام.

You may want to put the numbers on.

ربما تفكرون في أذهانكم،

you might think to yourself,

أصحيح؟ ربما يشبُّ "تريجر"

Right? And Trigger would rear.

ربما تفكرون أنها هذه.

I guess you think this is it.

ربما أنت من الأشخاص

Maybe you're the kind of person

أو ربما هذا وهم؟

Or maybe, is it an illusion?

تقوم باكتشاف ما, ربما.

Make a discovery, perhaps.

و ربما، لمجموعة معينة،

And maybe, to a certain extent,

ربما لأنهم اغتروا بأنفسهم.

Perhaps they were complacent.

ربما حدث هذا لبعضكم.

Maybe this has happened to some of you.

ربما لم نكن لنبدأ.

we probably wouldn't have started.

ربما ليس لهما صديقان،

well, they might not have two friends anymore,

ربما تريد الوقوف والرقص،

you want to maybe get up and dance,

ربما تتأذى صحتكَ ورفاهيتكَ،

your health and well-being are maybe suffering,

أو ربما بعضها ستمنعك

or some of them even stop you,

أو ربما شخص تائه.

or maybe someone who got lost.

ربما بدأ "نانيت" بداخلي،

"Nanette" may have begun in me,

بل ربما يشبه الشعر،

But, maybe like poetry,

ربما ينظفون أسنانهم بأصبعهم،

and they will sometimes use their finger to brush their teeth.

ربما تطلب منه الشجاعة

maybe it took courage from him

ربما ألعب لماذا لا

maybe i play why not

أو ربما يعتقد ذلك

or maybe he thinks this

ربما تاريخها نظيف جدا

perhaps its history is so clean

البقاء بيننا ولكن ربما

stay between us but probably

ربما لديهم كل شيء

they probably had it all

ربما ما يجب شرحه

maybe what is meant to be explained

ربما يعود إلى وقته

Maybe it's going back to its time

ربما سمع بعضكم هذا،

Some of you might have heard this,

ربما تذكرون الربيع العربي.

Do you remember the Arab spring?

ربما يكون قد مات.

Maybe he's dead.

ربما توم يعرف شيئاً.

Maybe Tom knows something.

ربما توم رأى شيئاً.

Maybe Tom saw something.

فإنه ربما يعمل كمُضخِّم.

maybe it works like an amplifier.

ليست كالتي ربما تعتقدها،

are not the obvious ones you might think of,

ربما نظامك الغذائي يفشل

Your diet may have failed

ربما أستطيع دعم هذا.

I can maybe get behind that.

ربما في المدرسة المتوسطة،

Probably in middle school,

ربما ستفهم يومًا ما.

Maybe someday you'll understand.

ربما ستمطرُ بعدَ قليل.

It may rain soon.

ربما تتذكرون انقسامًا كذلك بحياتكم.

You may recognize a divide like this in your life.

ربما سمعتم أن الاكتئاب معد

Maybe you've heard that depression is contagious

لنعكس ربما في اليومين المقبلين

to maybe reflect in the next couple of days

أو ربما بين الصحة والمرض.

or whether you are somewhere in between.

ربما يمكنك تذكر بعض الرسومات.

you probably could remember most of those drawings.

التي ربما يجب عليكم اجتنابها؟

might you be moving away from?

ما الشيء الذي ربما يعيقك؟

What might be holding you back?

بينما لا زالوا سعداء، ربما

while they are still happy, presumably.

أو ربما تتعلمون كيف تعزفونها.

or maybe to learn how to play them.

ربما تتساءلون ما هذا المجسم.

You might be wondering what this object is.

ربما ستقولون، "دعنا نشتري البيتزا"،

Probably you come up with, "Let's buy some pizza,"

ربما تنتهي بشركة تدعى ديل.

probably you would end up with a company called Dell computers.

أما المستقبل، شي ربما يحدث

either the future, something that could happen,

أو ربما مشهدًا من الفيلم.

and maybe just make a scene a bit.

ربما حلمت بالسفر لكل قارة.

Maybe you dreamed of traveling to every continent.

لكن ربما بفيزياء مختلفة قليلاً،

But it might just have been, with slightly different physics,