Translation of "لقول" in English

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Examples of using "لقول" in a sentence and their english translations:

تساعدنا جميعا لقول

should all work together to help us say,

يعملون بجهد لقول الحقيقة

that are working really hard to tell the truth,

مما يقود أغلبنا لقول،

And that leads many of us to say,

باستخدام لغة التلامس والأحاسيس لقول

was using her language of touch and feel to say,

ولا يمكنني إرغامكم لقول "نعم"

I can't force you to say "Yes."

ولم يكن لديّ الشجاعة لقول ذلك.

and I didn't have courage to do that.

لا يمكنني أن أرغمك لقول "نعم"

I cannot force you to say "Yes."

نميل لقول وفعل أشياء تسبب نزاعاً يستمر

we tend to say and do things that cause conflict to persist

إن لقول الحجة بعد وقتها تبعيات مُكلفة.

Delay has costs that are too extensive.

لا سبب يدفع توم لقول شيء كهذا.

- There's no reason Tom would say something like that.
- There's no reason that Tom would say something like that.

‫أنسب وقت لقول "لا تجربوا هذا بالمنازل"‬ ‫هو الآن.‬

If there was ever a time to say "don't try this at home," Right now.