Translation of "سيارته" in English

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "سيارته" in a sentence and their english translations:

- تلك سيارته.
- تلك هي سيارته

That is his car.

تلك سيارته.

- That is his car.
- This is his car.

أعطاني عمي سيارته.

- My uncle yielded his car to me.
- My uncle gave his car to me.
- My uncle gave me his car.

لديه سيارته الخاصة.

He has his own car.

هو يغسل سيارته.

- He is washing his car.
- He's washing his car.

صعد إلى سيارته.

He climbed into his car.

اصطدمت سيارته بشجرة.

His car ran into a tree.

أراني سيارته الجديدة.

He showed me his new car.

وقف سيارته خلف البناء.

He parked his car behind the building.

إنه يقود سيارته الخاصة.

He drives his own car.

كلٌّ منهم لديه سيارته الخاصة.

Each of them has his own car.

هنا حيث توم يركن سيارته غالبا.

This is where Tom usually parks his car.

إن جمال يسوق سيارته عبر الجسر.

Jamal is driving across the bridge.

غير مسموح لك أن تصعد إلى سيارته.

You are not allowed to climb into his car.

لم يسمح لي أن أقود سيارته إطلاقاً.

He wouldn't allow me to drive his car.

هل سمح لك عمك أن تقود سيارته؟

Did your uncle let you drive his car?

- زاد السائق من سرعة سيارته.
- تسارع السائق بسيارته.

The driver accelerated his car.

انقلبت سيارته عدة مرات قبل سقوطها في النهر.

His car turned over several times before falling into the river.

علاوة على ذلك ، دون إخبار أي شخص عن سيارته

moreover, without telling anyone about his car

آمل أن يتوقف توم عن ركن سيارته أمام منزلي.

I wish Tom would stop parking his car in front of my house.

ساق سامي سيارته من القاهرة إلى الإسكندرية فقط ليبحث عن ليلى

Sami drove from Cairo to Alexandria just looking for Layla.

منذ أن كان مخمورًا جدًا ، لم يستطع قيادة سيارته إلى المنزل.

Since he was very drunk, he couldn't drive his car home.

- غالباَ مايقود توم سيارته أسرع قليلا من الحد المسموح به
- غالباَ ما يتجاوز توم حد السرعة بقيادته بشكل طفيف

Tom often drives slightly over the speed limit.