Translation of "أبالي" in English

0.033 sec.

Examples of using "أبالي" in a sentence and their english translations:

لم أعد أبالي.

I didn't care anymore.

وكان يقول: "لا أبالي بكوني فقيرًا. ولا أبالي بعدم قدرتي على الذهاب للمدرسة.

and said, "I don't care that I'm poor. I don't care that I can't go to school.

أنا لا أبالي إطلاقا بما تقولونه.

I don't give a fuck about what you say!

‫أريد أن آخذ قطعة ملابس‬ ‫لا أبالي بفقدانها.‬

I really want to take an article of clothing that I'm not going to mind losing.

لا أبالي إن كان الجو باردا نوعا ما.

I don't mind if it's a little cold.