Translation of "Vazquez" in English

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Examples of using "Vazquez" in a sentence and their english translations:

Open Front Partisinden TABARE VAZQUEZ.

That would be, of course, TABARE VAZQUEZ, from the OPEN FRONT party.

Bu ilk Vazquez hükümetinde Birleşik Devletler ile bir

It happened during the first Vazquez administration, when they

önce TABARE VAZQUEZ ve daha sonra da JOSE MUJICA yönetiminde gerçekleşti.

happened while, first, TABARE VAZQUEZ and then JOSE MUJICA, managed the country.

Ama öte yandan, ÖAP radikal kesim ve TABARE VAZQUEZ tarafından temsil edilen ılımlılar

But on the other hand, the OPEN FRONT is an open battlefront between the radical wing