Translation of "Sacaron" in English

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Examples of using "Sacaron" in a sentence and their english translations:

Nos sacaron.

They kicked us out.

Le sacaron una muela.

He had his tooth pulled.

Me sacaron un diente.

I had a tooth pulled.

Sacaron el retrato de la pared.

The portrait was taken from the wall.

Me sacaron el diente con caries.

I got my decayed tooth pulled out.

- Los hombres sacaron sus espadas de sus fundas.
- Los hombres sacaron sus espadas de sus vainas.

The men drew their swords from their scabbards.

Sacaron varios cuerpos después de la explosión.

They carried out several bodies after the explosion.

- Le quitaron el tumor.
- Le sacaron el tumor.
- Le removieron el tumor.
- Removieron el tumor.
- Sacaron el tumor.

The tumor was removed.

Le sacaron las muelas del juicio a Brian.

Brian got his wisdom teeth out.

Hace una semana que me sacaron un diente.

They pulled my tooth a week ago.

Las pesquisas policiales sacaron a la luz su vida secreta.

The investigation by the police brought their secret life to light.

A mí me sacaron literalmente a la calle hace unos años

They literally took me out on the street a few years ago

Le sacaron su identidad, así que la verdad es que no sé".

and had their identities erased, so I don't really know."

El defensa hizo una entrada muy fuerte que consiguió parar el ataque del equipo rival, aunque por ello le sacaron una tarjeta amarilla.

Showing huge commitment, the defender managed to stop the opposition team's attack, although he got a yellow card for his trouble.