Translation of "Matado" in English

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "Matado" in a sentence and their english translations:

Confieso haberlo matado.

I admit to having killed him.

Han matado a Kenny.

They killed Kenny.

He matado a un hombre.

Just killed a man

Nadie me ha matado aún.

Nobody's killed me yet.

Tom ha matado a la araña.

Tom killed the spider.

¿Alguna vez has matado a alguien?

- Have you ever killed someone?
- Have you ever killed anybody?
- Have you ever killed a man?

Creo que Tom se ha matado.

- I think Tom killed himself.
- I think that Tom killed himself.

Tom reconoció haber matado a María.

Tom admitted that he murdered Mary.

Él fue matado de forma instantánea.

He was killed instantly.

Tomas fue matado por animales salvajes.

Tom was killed by wild animals.

Tom admitió que había matado a Mary.

Tom admitted that he had killed Mary.

Ellos sostuvieron que él la había matado.

They claimed that he'd killed her.

¿Alguna vez has matado a un león?

Have you ever killed a lion?

Podrías haberme matado, pero no lo hiciste.

You could have killed me, but you didn't.

Podría haberte matado, pero no lo hice.

- I could have killed you, but I didn't.
- I could've killed you, but I didn't.

Confesamos que nosotros habíamos matado a Mary.

- We confessed to killing Mary.
- We confessed that we had killed Mary.

Tom confesó haber matado a su mujer.

Tom confessed to killing his wife.

Creo que Tom ha matado a Mary.

I think Tom killed Mary.

¿Por qué has matado a la serpiente?

Why did you kill the snake?

Tom alegó no haber matado a nadie.

Tom claimed that he didn't kill anybody.

Han matado casi 1500 leopardos desde el 2014.

nearly 1500 leopards have been killed since 2014.

El prisionero negó haber matado a un policía.

The prisoner denied that he had killed a policeman.

Pensé que el enemigo había matado a Tom.

- I thought the enemy had killed Tom.
- I thought that the enemy had killed Tom.

Tom confesó que él había matado a Mary.

Tom confessed that he had killed Mary.

No creemos que Tom haya matado a María.

We don't think Tom killed Mary.

Libéralo porque había matado a dos otros tiburones

release it because it had killed 2 other sharks.

Melanie ha matado una araña con su mano.

Melanie killed a spider with her hand.

Soy yo el que ha matado a Tom.

I'm the one who killed Tom.

Dios ha muerto, y nosotros lo hemos matado.

God is dead, and we have killed him.

- ¿Acaso lo mataste?
- ¿La mataste?
- ¿La has matado?

- Did you kill him?
- Did you murder him?
- Did you murder her?
- Did you kill her?

- Nunca maté a nadie.
- Nunca he matado a nadie.

- I've never killed anyone.
- I've never killed anybody.

No creo que él haya matado a esos hombres.

I don't think he killed those men.

- Caín mató a Abel.
- Caín ha matado a Abel.

Cain killed Abel.

Pensé que te habían matado. Me alegro de haberme equivocado.

- I thought you'd been killed. I'm glad I was wrong.
- I thought that you'd been killed. I'm glad I was wrong.

Y más importante para mí, podrían haber matado a su abogado.

And more of the point for me, his lawyer would have been shot.

Sólo como la carne de animales que yo haya matado personalmente.

I only eat meat from animals that I have personally killed and butchered.

El trabajo duro nunca ha matado a nadie. ¡¿Pero para qué arriesgarse?!

Hard work never killed anyone. But why take the risk?!

- Tom nunca mató a nadie.
- Tom no ha matado nunca a nadie.

- Tom has never killed anybody.
- Tom never killed anyone.
- Tom never killed anybody.
- Tom has never killed anyone.

Iba a matar lo que pudo haber matado y después de un tiempo

he was going to kill what he could have killed and after a while

Tom quería la muerte de Mary porque ella había matado a sus hijos.

Tom wanted Mary dead because she had murdered his kids.

- Dios ha muerto, y nosotros lo hemos matado.
- Dios murió. Nosotros lo matamos.

- God is dead, and we have killed him.
- God died. We killed Him.

- A mi canario lo mató un gato.
- Mi canario fue matado por un gato.

My canary was killed by a cat.

- Tom confesó que él había matado a Mary.
- Tom confesó haber asesinado a Mary.

- Tom confessed to murdering Mary.
- Tom admitted that he murdered Mary.
- Tom admitted that he had killed Mary.
- Tom confessed that he had killed Mary.
- Tom admitted killing Mary.
- Tom admitted he had killed Mary.
- Tom admitted he murdered Mary.
- Tom admitted he'd killed Mary.
- Tom admitted that he'd killed Mary.

Tom escondió el cuchillo con el que había matado a Mary en la habitación de John.

Tom hid the knife he'd killed Mary with in John's bedroom.

Tom asesinó a Mary porque descubrió que ella había iniciado el incendio que había matado a su familia.

Tom killed Mary because he found out she had started the fire that had killed his family.

¿Usted en verdad no piensa en serio que Tom se hubiera matado a sí mismo, no es así?

You don't really think Tom would kill himself, do you?

Y creo que esa es una de las razones por las que ningún orangután ha matado a un ser humano.

and that’s one of the reasons, I believe no orangutan in recorded history has ever killed a human being.

Matar está prohibido; todo asesinato es castigado, a menos que él haya matado acompañado de muchos hombres y al sonido de las trompetas.

Killing is forbidden; every murderer is punished, unless he has killed accompanied by many men and to the sound of trumpets.

Ella había matado a su primer esposo con la ayuda del segundo. Lo habían hecho con un clavo que, los dos juntos, habían clavado en su sien mientras él dormía.

She had killed her first husband with the help of the second one. They had done it with a nail that they pushed together into his temples while he was sleeping.