Translation of "Importaba" in English

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Examples of using "Importaba" in a sentence and their english translations:

No importaba

It didn't matter

No me importaba.

- I didn't care.
- It didn't matter to me.

Simplemente no me importaba.

I just didn't care.

Pero entonces ya no importaba.

But by then, it didn't matter.

Él ya sabía que importaba.

He already knew that it mattered.

No me importaba sentarme solo.

I didn't mind sitting by myself.

Pensaba que Tom te importaba.

- I thought you cared about Tom.
- I thought that you cared about Tom.

Tom dijo que no le importaba el pasado de Mary, aunque en realidad sí le importaba.

Tom said he didn't care about Mary's past even though he really did.

Y no me importaba con qué materia.

and it didn't matter to me what subject I did it in.

Pensé que no te importaba el dinero.

- I thought you didn't care about money.
- I thought that you didn't care about money.

Rusia importaba trigo de los Estados Unidos.

Russia imported wheat from the United States.

Ni siquiera me importaba si tenían ingresos.

I didn't even care if they have revenue.

No importaba si lograba mucho, poco o nada,

No matter if I accomplished a lot, a little, or nothing at all,

No me importaba lo que tenía que hacer.

I didn't care what I had to do.

Porque el significado de esas palabras no importaba,

because I realized the meaning of those words didn't matter,

Y en ese entonces eso importaba, ahora no.

and back then that mattered, now it doesn't.

Y la razón por la que me importaba tanto

And the reason why I care about it so much

Nosotros en ese punto ya no solo nos importaba

At this point it didn't only matter to us

No les importaba tanto, pero en países como Brasil,

they didn't care as much, but in countries like Brazil,

Hubiera pagado 200 mil, el dinero realmente no importaba

I would have paid 200 grand, the money didn't really matter.

No importaba que hubiese escrito un libro sobre la gratitud,

It didn't matter that I had actually written a book on gratitude,

Lo que más importaba era que estaban en el climaterio.

What mattered most was that they were in menopause.

Dijo que no importaba si nos quedábamos o nos íbamos.

He said it didn't matter whether we stayed or left.

A Tomás no le importaba que María tenga senos pequeños.

Tom didn't mind that Mary had small breasts.

- Tom se preocupó.
- Tom se preocupaba.
- A Tom le importaba.

Tom cared.

Lo que importaba era cuán motivado estaba para responder alguna pregunta.

What was important was how motivated you were to answer some question.

No importaba si las mujeres tenían 40, 50 o 60 años.

It didn't matter if the women were 40, 50 or 60.

Destruyendo el mito de que es el dinero lo que importaba.

laying waste to the myth that it's money that mattered.

Tom fingió que no le importaba que Mary saliera con John.

Tom pretended that he didn't care that Mary was going out with John.

Tom fingía que no le importaba que Mary saliese con John.

Tom pretended that it didn't matter to him that Mary was going out with John.

Algunos expresaron abiertamente que no les importaba quién ganó la guerra.

Some said openly that they did not care who won the war.

Se veía un poco mejor que antes, pero ya no le importaba.

She looked a little better than before but was past caring.

La única cosa que en realidad le importaba al profesor eran sus estudiantes.

The only thing that the teacher was really caring about was his students.

Yo fui criada en Los Ángeles y también estaban locos y no les importaba.

I was raised before that in Los Angeles and they’re crazy too, but they cool it.

Yo solía pensar que no importaba que le diera de comer a mi perro.

- I used to think it didn't really matter what I fed my dog.
- I used to think that it didn't really matter what I fed my dog.

Lo único que le importaba a Tom era que no fuéramos maleducados con su jefe.

The only thing that mattered to Tom was that we weren't impolite to his boss.

- Intenté fingir que no me importaba.
- Traté de fingir que no me importaba.
- Intenté fingir que me la traía al fresco.
- Traté de fingir que me la traía al fresco.
- Intenté fingir que me traía sin cuidado.
- Traté de fingir que me traía sin cuidado.

I tried to pretend that I didn't care.