Translation of "Heredado" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Heredado" in a sentence and their english translations:

Kemal Sunal heredado

Inherited Kemal Sunal

Él ha heredado la casa.

He inherited the house.

Que a alguien que lo haya heredado.

than someone who has inherited it.

Nixon había heredado la guerra de Vietnam del presidente Johnson.

Nixon had inherited the Vietnam War from President Johnson.

¿Cuáles son los patrones de pensamiento que has heredado de tu infancia?

What are the thought patterns you have inherited from your childhood?

En los años 70, Pelayo de la Mata había heredado unos viñedos en La Rioja,

In the 70's, Pelayo de la Mata having inherited some vineyards in Rioja

Hemos heredado el don de la música de animales como los insectos y los pájaros.

We have inherited the gift of music from animals such as insects and birds.

Cuando decimos que un lenguaje se transmite culturalmente - es decir, que es aprendido en vez de heredado - queremos decir que forma parte de todo ese complejo de conducta aprendida y compartida que los antropólogos llaman cultura.

When we say that a language is culturally transmitted - that is, that it is learned rather than inherited - we mean that it is part of that whole complex of learned and shared behavior that anthropologists call culture.