Translation of "Ello" in English

0.027 sec.

Examples of using "Ello" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Ve a por ello.
- Vete a por ello.
- Id a por ello.

Go get it.

- Soy consciente de ello.
- Estoy enterado de ello.
- Yo soy consciente de ello.

I'm aware of it.

- Nunca platicamos de ello.
- Nunca hablamos de ello.

We never talk about it.

Hablamos de ello,

we do talk about it,

Piensen en ello.

Think about that.

¿Podré con ello?

Will I make it through?

Ponte a ello.

Get on with it.

Trabajo en ello.

- I'm working on it.
- I'm working on that.
- I've been working on it.

¿Qué implica ello?

What does it involve?

Pensaré en ello.

I'll think it over.

Piensa en ello.

Think about it.

Fantaseo sobre ello.

I daydream about it.

¡Háblame de ello!

Tell me about it!

Todo ello ayuda.

All of that helps.

- Se arrepentirá de ello.
- Ella se arrepentirá de ello.

- She's going to regret this.
- He's going to regret this.
- He will regret this.
- She will regret this.
- He'll regret it.

- Estaba pensando en ello.
- Yo estaba pensando en ello.

I was thinking about it.

- Puedes estar seguro de ello.
- Puedes estar segura de ello.

You can be sure of that.

- Yo me encargo de ello.
- Yo me ocuparé de ello.

I'll take care of it.

- No quería pensar en ello.
- No quise pensar en ello.

I didn't want to think about it.

- Nadie quiere hablar de ello.
- Ninguno quiere hablar de ello.

No one wants to talk about it.

Que sufren de ello.

that suffer from it.

Para ello falta muchísimo.

that will take long.

Todos estamos en ello.

We're all in it.

Podrías confiar en ello.

You could rely on it.

- Pregúntaselo.
- Pregúntale sobre ello.

Ask him about it.

Cuéntame todo sobre ello.

Tell me everything about it.

Me excuso por ello.

I apologize for this.

Nos encargaremos de ello.

We'll see to it.

Me aseguré de ello.

I made certain of that.

¿Qué piensas de ello?

What do you think of it?

Quiero oír de ello.

I want to hear about it.

Estoy pensando en ello.

- I'm thinking about it.
- I'm thinking about that.

Soy consciente de ello.

I'm well aware of that.

Me habló de ello.

He told me about it.

Puedo vivir con ello.

- I can live with that.
- I can live with this.

Debo acostumbrarme a ello.

- I need to get used to it.
- I need to get accustomed to it.

¿Habéis meditado sobre ello?

- Have you thought about it?
- Have you given it some thought?

Déjale pagar por ello.

Let him pay for it.

Me opongo a ello.

I oppose that.

¿Eres consciente de ello?

Are you aware of it?

Estoy enterado de ello.

I'm aware of it.

Nos encontramos rodeado de ello,

We are constantly surrounded by it,

Está funcionando para ello realmente.

is actually working as intended.

No quería pensar en ello

I didn't want to think about it

Y responde mal a ello.

and respond poorly to it.

Pero necesitamos hablar de ello

but we need to talk about it

Para ello, comencé un ejercicio

And for that, I started an exercise for myself

Exactamente. ¿Cómo llegaste a ello?

Exactly. How did you get into it?

Deme los detalles de ello.

Give me the details of it.

Argüí con él sobre ello.

I argued with him about it.

No le pagaron por ello.

- He didn't get paid for it.
- She didn't get paid for it.

Yo me ocuparé de ello.

- I'll handle it.
- I'll get to it.

No quiero hablar de ello.

I don't want to talk about it.

Solo quiero olvidarme de ello.

I just want to forget about it.

Estoy habituado a ello ahora.

I'm used to it by now.

Tengo que pagar por ello.

I have to pay for it.

Junté más información sobre ello.

I gathered more information about it.

Ya os acostumbraréis a ello.

You'll get used to it.

Estoy absolutamente seguro de ello.

I'm absolutely certain of it.

No puedo hablar de ello.

- I can't talk about this.
- I can't talk about that.

¿Quieres hablar de ello ahora?

Do you want to talk about it now?

Ello habla por sí mismo.

It speaks for itself.

Prefiero no hablar de ello.

- I'd rather not talk about it.
- I would rather not talk about it.

No hablemos más sobre ello.

Let's say no more about it.

Por favor cuéntame sobre ello.

Please tell me about it.

Tenemos que prepararnos para ello.

We have to prepare for that.

Ya no pienso en ello.

I never think about it anymore.

- Piénsatelo.
- Medítalo.
- Medita sobre ello.

Think about that.

No estábamos preparados para ello.

We weren't ready for it.

Como ves, estoy en ello.

As you can see, I'm working on it.

¿Te sientes culpable por ello?

Do you feel guilty about it?

¿Os habéis arrepentido de ello?

Do you regret that?

No estoy orgulloso de ello.

I'm not proud of it.