Translation of "Astucia" in English

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Examples of using "Astucia" in a sentence and their english translations:

Me niego a dejar que su astucia me engañe.

I refuse to be taken in by her guile.

Quiso presumir su astucia en la lección, pero fracasó.

She wanted to show off her cleverness during class, but she failed.

Así es la astucia de Corea del Norte (y China).

That's just how cunning North Korea (and China) is.

Hannibal demuestra su astucia al no enfrascarse en una batalla incierta.

Hannibal demonstrates his shrewdness by not commiting to an uncertain battle.

En los flancos, las fuerzas danesas descubren la astucia de Isebrand.

On the flanks, the Danish forces discover the shrewdness of Isebrand.

Él tenía fe en su astucia, y estaba seguro que encontraría al ave.

He had faith in his cunning, and was certain he'd find the bird.

La astucia es a la conversación lo que la sal es a la comida.

Wit is to conversation what salt is to food.

astucia diplomática, para devastar el norte de Bulgaria y eliminar un número de contingentes de ejércitos y

as diplomatic trickery, to devastate northern Bulgaria and eliminate a number of Ottoman

El partido se habría perdido si Judit, con gran habilidad y astucia, no hubiera obligado a Ferenc a aceptar el sacrificio de su dama, tras lo cual se produjo la situación de tablas "por ahogamiento".

The match would have been lost if Judit, with great skill and cunning, had not forced Ferenc to accept the sacrifice of her queen, after which the situation of stalemate "by drowning" occurred.