Translation of "Abarrotada" in English

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Examples of using "Abarrotada" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Esta sala está abarrotada.
- Esta habitación está abarrotada.

This room is cramped.

La tienda estaba abarrotada de jóvenes.

The shop was crowded with young people.

La plaza está abarrotada de gentes.

The plaza is packed with people.

La sala de espera estaba abarrotada.

The waiting room was crowded.

La tienda estuvo abarrotada de gente ayer.

The store happened to be crowded yesterday.

Nuestra mente está abarrotada normalmente de una variedad de pensamientos y de voces

Our mind is normally cluttered by a variety of thoughts and voices

Los polis siguieron al sospechoso a pie, pero acabaron por perderlo en una estación de autobuses abarrotada.

The cops tailed the suspect on foot but ended up losing him in a crowded bus station.

Sea cual sea la autopista por la que te decidas, va a estar abarrotada de autos y camiones.

Whichever highway you decide on, it will be crowded with cars and trucks.