Translation of "унесла" in English

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Examples of using "унесла" in a sentence and their english translations:

Авиакатастрофа унесла 200 жизней.

The plane crash took 200 lives.

Эта авария унесла много жизней.

Many lives were lost in the accident.

Летающая тарелка пролетела и унесла моих коров.

A flying saucer came and took my cows away.

Эта беспорядочная пальба унесла много человеческих жизней.

A great loss of human life was reported due to trigger-happy shooting.

Она просто унесла ее в этот туманный лес.

and just took her away, you know, into the misty forest.

Она унесла эту привычку с собой в могилу.

She carried that habit to her grave.

Сильная отбойная волна унесла Тома далеко от берега.

The powerful rip current carried Tom far away from the shore.

Она унесла свои тайны с собой в могилу.

She took her secrets to the grave.

В аэропорту взорвалась бомба с часовым механизмом и унесла жизни 13 человек.

A time bomb went off in the airport killing thirteen people.