Translation of "Tirreno" in English

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Examples of using "Tirreno" in a sentence and their english translations:

"Teus remos vergarão nas águas da Sicília / e teus navios sulcarão o mar Tirreno / e o lago Averno e passarão de Circe / a ilha Eéia, antes que possas em região / protegida assentar tua cidade."

"First must Trinacrian waters bend the oar, / Ausonian waves thy vessels must explore, / first must thou view the nether world, where flows / dark Styx, and visit that AEaean shore, / the home of Circe, ere, at rest from woes, / thou build the promised walls, and win the wished repose."

A ele então, / humilde, Juno roga nestes termos: / “Ó Éolo (pois a ti o pai dos deuses / e rei dos homens deu a faculdade / de as ondas amansar e de encrespá-las / com o auxílio do vento), uma gente que odeio / no momento navega o mar Tirreno, / levando para a Itália Ílio vencida / e seus penates".

- Juno then, as a suppliant, addressed him in these words: "Aeolus (for the father of the gods has granted you authority to calm the seas and to stir them up with the winds), a race hateful to me is sailing upon the Tyrrhenian sea, carrying Troy along with its conquered gods to Italy."
- Him now Saturnia sought, and thus in lowly strain: / "O AEolus, for Jove, of human kind / and Gods the sovran Sire, hath given to thee / to lull the waves and lift them with the wind, / a hateful people, enemies to me, / their ships are steering o'er the Tuscan sea, / bearing their Troy and vanquished gods away / to Italy."