Translation of "Massacres" in English

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Examples of using "Massacres" in a sentence and their english translations:

Hoje, netos e bisnetos dos genocídios lutam pelo reconhecimento dos massacres, buscando justiça pelos crimes do passado em nome de seus familiares brutalmente assassinados.

Today, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of genocide struggle for recognition of the massacres, seeking justice for past crimes on behalf of family members who were brutally murdered.

Eu não sei quem é o maior babaca; Vladimir Putin ou Bashar al-Assad: um assassina jornalistas e causou massacres na Tchetchênia e na Geórgia, o outro tortura crianças. Como é que as esposas desses caras aturam eles?

I don't know who is the biggest asshole, whether it's Vladimir Putin or Bashar al-Assad: one murders journalists and causes massacres in Chechnya and Georgia, the other tortures children. How can their wives even stand them?