Translation of "Desvario" in English

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Examples of using "Desvario" in a sentence and their english translations:

O desvario de uma pessoa chama-se loucura. A alienação de milhares de pessoas chama-se religião.

Delirium of one person is called madness. Delirium of thousands of people is called religion.

"E não fora o destino tão adverso / e o desvario que de todos se apossava, / Laocoonte nos teria convencido / a traspassar dos gregos o covil; / e estarias de pé, ó Troia, e te salvaras, / de Príamo ó soberba cidadela!"

"Then, but for folly or Fate's adverse power, / his word had made us with our trusty glaive / lay bare the Argive ambush, and this hour / should Ilion stand, and thou, O Priam's lofty tower!"