Translation of "Capturou" in English

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Examples of using "Capturou" in a sentence and their english translations:

O policial capturou fugitivo.

The policeman captured the running man.

Ele capturou um rato.

He caught a mouse.

Tom capturou todos Pokémon.

Tom has caught every Pokémon.

A polícia capturou o assaltante.

The police arrested the burglar.

O policial capturou o homem que estava correndo.

The policeman captured the man who was running.

O mundo me perseguiu, mas nunca me capturou.

The world chased, but never caught me.

Tom capturou um lobo e tentou domá-lo.

Tom caught a wolf and tried to tame it.

O policial capturou pelo braço o ladrão em fuga.

The policeman caught the fleeing thief by the arm.

John capturou um tigre e atirou em dois leões.

John caught a tiger and shot two lions.

O salvador do povo, que até capturou 3 centavos nas mãos da máfia, seria a máfia novamente

The savior of the people, who even captured 3 cents in the hands of the mafia, would be the mafia again

Com uma manobra sagaz, o exército de uniforme preto capturou a dama do adversário, e este se rendeu, pois sem sua figura mais valiosa seria inútil continuar lutando. A batalha estava perdida.

With a shrewd maneuver, the army in black uniform captured the opponent's queen, and they surrendered, because without their most valuable figure it would be useless to continue fighting. The battle was lost.

Durante seu cativeiro ele garantiu aos piratas que haveria de matá-los. Os piratas acharam que isso era simplesmente uma piada. Quando foi resgatado, César perseguiu e capturou os piratas e mandou que os crucificassem.

During his captivity he made a promise to the pirates that he would eventually kill them. The pirates thought that this was only a joke. After he was ransomed, Caesar pursued and captured the pirates and ordered their crucifixion.