Translation of "Pytanie" in English

0.050 sec.

Examples of using "Pytanie" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Dobre pytanie.
- To dobre pytanie.

- Good question!
- That's a good question.
- It's a good question.
- A good question.
- This is a good question.
- That is a good question.
- Good question.
- That's a good question to ask.
- It is a good question.

Padnie pytanie:

it will ask us,

Mam pytanie.

- I have a question.
- I have got a question.
- I've got a question.

Ominął pytanie.

He sidestepped the question.

Dobre pytanie.

- Good question!
- That's a good question.
- Good question.

- Powtórzył swoje pytanie.
- Tom powtórzył to pytanie.

- He repeated his question.
- Tom repeated the question.

Kolejne pytanie brzmi,

the next question is:

Zadajcie sobie pytanie:

So ask yourself,

Zadała mi pytanie.

She asked me a question.

Zadał niezręczne pytanie.

He asked an awkward question.

To trudne pytanie.

- It's a hard question.
- It's a difficult question.
- This is a difficult question.
- That's a hard question.
- That's a tough question.

Mogę zadać pytanie?

May I ask a question?

Powtórzyłbyś swoje pytanie?

- Can you please repeat the question?
- Would you please repeat your question?

To dobre pytanie.

It's a good question.

Tom powtórzył pytanie.

- Tom repeated his question.
- Tom repeated the question.

Chłopiec zadaje pytanie.

The boy is asking a question.

Tom pominął pytanie.

- Tom avoided the question.
- Tom sidestepped the question.

Oto jest pytanie.

The question is this.

Odpowiedz na pytanie.

- Answer the question.
- Answer the question!

Zadał mi pytanie.

He asked me a question.

To rozsądne pytanie.

That's a reasonable question.

Przewidziałem jego pytanie.

I anticipated his question.

Zadałem mu pytanie.

I asked him a question.

Mam głupie pytanie.

- I have a stupid question.
- I have a silly question.

To dziwne pytanie.

- That's a strange question.
- That is a strange question.

Zadałem Tony'emu pytanie.

- I asked Tony a question.
- I asked Tom a question.

Powtórzył swoje pytanie.

He repeated his question.

On ma pytanie.

- He has a question.
- He's got a question.

Marie ma pytanie.

- Mary's got a question.
- Mary has a question.

Tom ma pytanie.

- Tom has a question.
- Tom has got a question.

Zadaj swoje pytanie?

Ask your question.

- To bardzo trudne pytanie.
- Niełatwo na to pytanie odpowiedzieć.

That's a hard question to answer.

Mam do was pytanie.

And so I ask you a question.

Wtedy zadała podchwytliwe pytanie.

Then she asked the trick question:

Uprzejmie odpowiedział na pytanie.

- He responded kindly to the question.
- He kindly answered the question.

Pytanie, jak przekonamy Toma.

The question is how do we convince Tom.

Pytanie, kto pójdzie pierwszy.

The question is who's going to go first.

Głupie pytanie, głupia odpowiedź.

- Stupid question, stupid answer.
- Ask a silly question and you'll get a silly answer.

To nie jest pytanie.

That's not a question.

To było słuszne pytanie.

It was a legitimate question.

To naprawdę prowokujące pytanie.

That's a really provocative question.

Mogę zadać osobiste pytanie?

- Might I ask you a personal question?
- Can I ask you a personal question?
- May I ask you a personal question?

Mam tylko jedno pytanie.

I just have one question.

Mam do ciebie pytanie.

- I've got a question for you.
- I have a question for you.

Masz odpowiedzieć na pytanie.

You've got to answer the question.

Zadałem jej trudne pytanie.

I asked her a difficult question.

Zadałem mu to pytanie.

I put this question to him.

Zadaj mi łatwiejsze pytanie.

Ask me something easier.

Chciałbym zadać ci pytanie.

I would like to ask you a question.

Tom powtórzył swoje pytanie.

Tom repeated his question.

To bardzo dobre pytanie.

- That is a very good question.
- That's a very good question.
- This is a very good question.
- It's a very good question.

Wiedziałeś, że to pytanie?

Did you know that this is a question?

Czy można mieć pytanie?

May I ask a question?

Emily zadała mi pytanie.

Emily asked me a question.

- Twoje pytanie nie ma odpowiedzi.
- Nie ma odpowiedzi na twoje pytanie.

- There is no answer to your question.
- Your question has no answer.
- There is not an answer to your question.
- There is not an answer for your question.

- Nie mogę odpowiedzieć na pańskie pytanie.
- Nie mogę odpowiedzieć na pani pytanie.
- Nie mogę odpowiedzieć na wasze pytanie.

- I can not answer your question.
- I can't answer your question.

- Nie mogę odpowiedzieć na Państwa pytanie.
- Nie mogę odpowiedzieć na pana pytanie.

- I can not answer your question.
- I cannot answer your question.
- I can't answer your question.

Kto lepiej odpowie na pytanie,

Who better to answer that question,

I zadać im swoje pytanie.

and ask them that question.

I odpowiedź na ostatnie pytanie:

Now for that final question.

Jednak dziś ważne pytanie brzmi:

But the big question we face today is this:

Pozwólcie, że zadam wam pytanie.

But let me ask you a question.

Pytanie, co się dzieje potem?

The question is, what happens next?

Nauczyciel zadał mi trudne pytanie.

The teacher asked me a difficult question.

Pytanie brzmi: co robić dalej?

What to do next is the question.

Każdemu uczniowi zadano jedno pytanie.

- Every pupil was asked one question.
- Every student was asked one question.

To pytanie mnie nie dotyczy.

The question doesn't concern me.

Pytanie brzmi: kto to zrobi?

The question is who will do it.

Nie mogła odpowiedzieć na pytanie.

She couldn't answer the question.

Opuściła na egzaminie czwarte pytanie.

She left out the fourth question on the examination.

Podniósł rękę, by zadać pytanie.

He raised his hand to ask a question.

Pytanie brzmi: kto mu powie.

The question is who is going to tell him.