Translation of "Tashanda" in English

0.005 sec.

Examples of using "Tashanda" in a sentence and their english translations:

Alors, Tashanda, comment c'était?

So, Tashanda, how was it?

Je suis Tashanda, 28 ans.

I am Tashanda, 28 years old.

, Tashanda arrive dans la chambre.

, Tashanda arrives in the bedroom.

Lorsque Tashanda refuse de montrer du grand art cinématographique?

when Tashanda refuses to show great cinema art?

A la vue des surgelés, le cœur de Tashanda se réchauffe.

At the sight of the frozen food, Tashanda's heart becomes warm.

La famille n'est pas encore autorisée à visiter Tashanda, mais le balcon.

The family is not allowed to visit Tashanda yet, but the balcony.

Tashanda, tu n'as pas l'air si excité d'une manière ou d'une autre.

Tashanda, you don't look that excited somehow.

Cela pourrait-il convenir, Tashanda? Ou est-ce que ça a l'air sombre pour Micha?

Could that fit, Tashanda? Or does it look dark for Micha?