Translation of "Posa" in English

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Posa" in a sentence and their english translations:

Il posa les bagages.

He put the luggage down.

Il lui posa quelques questions.

He asked her some questions.

Elle lui posa des questions.

She asked him questions.

Il lui posa des questions.

He asked her questions.

Il posa une question embarrassante.

He asked an awkward question.

Il me posa une question.

He asked me a question.

L'aviateur se posa avec assurance.

The aeroplane landed safely.

Il ne posa aucune question.

He didn't ask any question.

Puis elle posa la question délicate :

Then she asked the trick question:

Il posa la tête sur l'oreiller.

He laid his head on the pillow.

Elle posa sa tête sur l'oreiller.

She laid her head down on the pillow.

Bob posa quelques questions au professeur.

Bob asked the teacher some questions.

Elle posa l'assiette sur la table.

She set the tray down on the table.

Il posa des questions au hasard.

He asked questions at random.

Tom posa l'enveloppe sur la table.

Tom put the envelope on the table.

Tom posa quelques questions à l'enseignant.

- Tom asked the teacher some questions.
- Tom asked the teacher several questions.

L'abeille se posa sur une fleur.

The bee landed on a flower.

Nancy posa ses coudes sur les genoux.

Nancy put her elbows on her knees.

Il posa sa main sur mon épaule.

He rested his hand on my shoulder.

Il posa le livre sur la table.

- He put down the book on the table.
- He put the book on the table.
- He put the book on the desk.

Il posa la boîte sur la table.

He put the box on the table.

On posa à chaque élève une question.

Every student was asked one question.

Elle posa les coudes sur les genoux.

She put her elbows on her knees.

Nancy posa ses coudes sur ses genoux.

Nancy rested her elbows on her knees.

Tom posa son vélo contre le mur.

Tom propped his bicycle against the wall.

Elle posa le magazine sur la table.

She laid the magazine on the table.

Le procureur me posa une question insidieuse.

The prosecutor asked me a leading question.

Sans timidité, elle me posa la question.

She was not ashamed to ask me a question.

Elle posa la tête sur son épaule.

She rested her head on his shoulder.

Elle posa le bébé sur le lit.

She laid her baby on the bed.

Tom posa son torchon sur son épaule.

Tom placed the dishtowel over his shoulder.

Il posa ses mains sur ses hanches.

- He placed his hands on his hips.
- He put his hands on his hips.

Elle posa sa tête sur sa poitrine.

She put her head against his chest.

Elle posa sa tête contre sa poitrine.

She put her head against his chest.

Il posa la main gentiment sur son épaule.

He put a hand gently on her shoulder.

Il posa des questions stupides à son professeur.

He asked his teacher stupid questions.

Le fils posa une question à sa mère.

- The son asked a question of his mother.
- The boy asked his mother a question.

Tom posa son porte-monnaie sur la table.

- Tom put his wallet on the table.
- Tom put his wallet on the desk.

Il posa le classeur bleu sur la table.

He put the blue folder down on the table.

Tom posa sa cuillère et pris une fourchette.

Tom put down his spoon and picked up a fork.

Tom posa son porte-monnaie sur la commode.

Tom put his wallet on top of the dresser.

Tom posa une tasse de café devant Maria.

Tom put a cup of coffee in front of Maria.

Il posa la clé sur le bureau, comme d'habitude.

He put the key on the desk as usual.

Tom posa sa main sur l'épaule droite de Marie.

Tom put a hand on Mary's right shoulder.

- Tom posa une question.
- Tom a posé une question.

Tom asked a question.

Lisa posa son dessert sur la table de nuit.

Lisa placed her dessert on the nightstand.

Après quelques hésitations il posa le livre sur le bureau.

After some hesitation, he laid the book on the desk.

Ce fut Socrate qui posa les bases de la logique.

It was Socrates who laid the foundation of logic.

Tom enleva sa montre et la posa sur la table.

Tom took off his watch and put it on the table.

Tom posa l'assiette de sandwiches sur la table devant Mary.

Tom put the plate of sandwiches on the table in front of Mary.

Elle lui posa quelques questions, mais il refusa de répondre.

She asked him some questions, but he refused to answer.

Tom posa quelques questions auxquelles Mary ne voulait pas répondre.

Tom asked a few questions that Mary didn't want to answer.

Tom posa sa serviette à côté de celle de Marie.

Tom put down his towel next to Mary's.

Il posa le canon de son revolver sur ma tempe.

He positioned the barrel of his revolver on my temple.