Translation of "Essayais" in English

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Essayais" in a sentence and their english translations:

Je tweetais et essayais

I would tweet back and try

Et essayais de m'en tirer.

and try and get away with it.

J'ai pensé que tu essayais d'être drôle.

I thought you were trying to be funny.

Essayais-tu de me faire du pied ?

Were you trying to play footsy with me?

J'ai finalement compris ce que tu essayais de me dire.

I finally understand what you were trying to tell me.

Quand tu tombais et tombais au genou, tu essayais de trouver un remède ensemble

When you fell and fell the knee you would try to find a cure for it together

- J'ai pensé que tu essayais d'être drôle.
- J'ai pensé que vous essayiez d'être drôle.

- I thought you were trying to be funny.
- I thought that you were trying to be funny.