Translation of "Attira" in English

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Examples of using "Attira" in a sentence and their english translations:

Elle attira notre attention.

She attracted our attention.

L'ennemi nous attira dans un piège.

The enemy lured us into a trap.

Il attira l'attention de beaucoup de gens.

He attracted many people's attention.

Sa tenue attira beaucoup l'attention pendant la fête.

Her clothes attracted much attention at the party.

Le gros titre attira mon attention ce matin.

The headline caught my eye this morning.

Elle attira notre attention par ses gestes particulièrement animés.

With her unusually lively gestures, she pulled our attention onto her.

Sa robe attira l'attention de tous à la fête.

Her dress attracted everyone's attention at the party.

Le mensonge lui attira des ennuis quand son patron découvrit la vérité.

His lie got him into trouble when his boss discovered the truth.

A ce moment, le bruit de sabots tonitruants attira l'attention des deux armées.

At that moment, the sound of thundering hooves grabbed the attention of both armies.

Il parut alors une beauté à la cour, qui attira les yeux de tout le monde, et l’on doit croire que c’était une beauté parfaite, puisqu’elle donna de l’admiration dans un lieu où l’on était si accoutumé à voir de belles personnes.

There appeared at this time a lady at Court, who drew the eyes of the whole world; and one may imagine she was a perfect beauty, to gain admiration in a place where there were so many fine women.

En vouant ses dernières prières, avant de se décider à se laisser flotter et être dévoré, il vit un homme regarder par dessus le gaillard du brick : il leva les deux mains ; il s'agita au-dessus de la surface, et, par l'incongruité de ses mouvements, il attira heureusement l'attention.

In the act of offering up his last prayer ere he made up his mind to float and be eaten, he saw a man look over the quarter of the brig : he raised both his hands ; he jumped himself up in the water, and, by the singularity of his motions fortunately attracted notice.