Translation of "« on" in English

0.024 sec.

Examples of using "« on" in a sentence and their english translations:

On teste, on appuie, on y va.

Test it, weight it, commit to it.

On continue ! On continue !

Keep moving! [Bear] Keep moving!

On payait, on jouait.

You pay for the game, you play the game.

On sait, on ma”trîse, on sait où on va, quoi.

we know, we control, we know where we're going.

On a joué. On a perdu. On recommence ?

We played. We lost. How about starting it over?

- On commence ?
- On y va ?
- On s'y met ?

Shall we begin?

- On s'arrache.
- On se casse.
- On met les bouts.
- On se tire.

Let's move.

- On s'arrache.
- On met les bouts.
- On file.
- On met les voiles.

Let's move.

On sait où on va,

And we have somewhere to go,

On vit et on apprend.

You learn as long as you live.

- On commence ?
- On s'y met ?

- Shall we begin?
- Shall we start?

On fait comme on veut.

- You can do that however you like.
- It can be done however you like.

- Plus on a plus on voudrait avoir.
- Plus on possède, plus on convoite.

The more one owns, the more one wants.

- Partons !
- Bougeons-nous !
- On s'arrache.
- On se casse.
- On met les bouts.
- On se tire.
- On file.
- On met les voiles.

- Let's move!
- Let's move.

- On t'a oubliée.
- On vous a oubliés.
- On vous a oubliées.
- On t'a oublié.
- On vous a oubliée.
- On vous a oublié.

You've been forgotten.

Quand on le lève, on bouge,

When we raise them up, we move,

Alors, comment on s'y prend-on ?

So how do we do it?

On est triste et on s'éloigne.

We feel pain, and we walk away.

On a fini. On se rhabille.

We're done. Put the layers back on.

On s'accroche. On vérifie le tout.

Clip into this. Okay. Check, check, check!

On se débat ou on flotte ?

Fight, or float?

Généralement, on lit ou on entend,

Generally, we read or hear,

- On s'est éclatés.
- On s'est éclatées.

- We had a blast.
- We had a lot of fun.

- On y va ?
- On y va ?

Shall we go?

On y va et on mange ?

Shall we go and eat?

- On m'a oublié.
- On m'a oubliée.

I was forgotten.

Si on mange trop on grossit.

If you eat too much, you'll become fat.

Plus on possède, plus on convoite.

The more you possess, the more you desire.

- On m'a attrapé.
- On m'a attrapée.

I got caught.

- On m'a promu.
- On m'a promue.

I'm being promoted.

Moins on pense, plus on parle.

The less we think, the more we talk.

- On t'a trompé.
- On t'a trompée.

- You've been had.
- You've been deceived.
- They've fooled you.
- You were tricked.

On essaye, c'est tout, on crée et on apprend en faisant.

You just try things and you create and you learn by doing.

On se prépare, on met un casque et on y va.

Okay, let's get ready here. Get a helmet on and then go.

- Comme on fait son lit, on se couche.
- Comme on fait son lit on se couche.

As you make your bed, so you must lie in it.

- Comme on fait son lit, on se couche.
- Comme on fait son lit, on se couche !

- As you make your bed, you must lie on it.
- As you make your bed, so you must lie in it.

On culpabilise.

is you blame yourself.

On continue.

Let's keep going.

On continue !

Okay, let's keep going!

On s'enfuit ?

So, we're choosing "run"?

On descend ?


On espère !


On essaye.

- We try.
- We're trying.
- We've been trying.

On frappe.

Someone's knocking.

On danse ?

Shall we dance?

On t'excuse.

We forgive you.

On commence ?

- Shall we begin?
- Shall we start?
- Let's get started, shall we?

On verra.

We'll see.

On regardera.

We will watch.

On cuisine.

We're cooking.

On s'entraide.

We help each other out.

On m'utilise.

I'm being used.

On arrête.

We're not doing that anymore.

On parie ?

Try me.

On s'embrasse.

We were kissing.

On applaudit !


On arrive.

- We are coming.
- We're coming.
- We'll go.
- We're going.

On t'appellera.

We'll call you.

Quand on dessine, on se souvient mieux !

that when we draw, we remember more!

On les examine, on fait des tests

we'll see them, we'll test them,

Bon, on se prépare. On va sauter.

Okay, let's get ready to do this. Get ready to jump.

On découvre ses peurs, on découvre tout.

you discover your fears, you discover everything.

Ensuite, on arrête le simulateur, on le

Then we stop the simulator, reset it ,

Plus on a plus on voudrait avoir.

The more you have, the more you want.

- On vous a menti.
- On t'a menti.

They lied to you.

- On est mercredi.
- Aujourd'hui on est mercredi.

- Today is Wednesday.
- It's Wednesday.
- It is Wednesday.

- Comment l'épelle-t-on ?
- Comment l'écrit-on ?

How is it spelled?

Plus on travaille, plus on gagne d'argent.

The more one works, the more one earns.

On ne sait jamais pourquoi on meurt.

We never know why we die.

On pleure quand on est très triste.

We cry when we are very sad.