Translation of "Bedridden" in Turkish

0.002 sec.

Examples of using "Bedridden" in a sentence and their turkish translations:

Fadil was bedridden.

Fadıl yatalaktı.

Tom is bedridden.

Tom yatalak.

You are sick and bedridden.

Sen hastasın ve yatalaksın.

Tom was bedridden at that time.

Tom o zaman yatalaktı.

I was afraid that I was going to become bedridden.

Yatalak olacağım için çok korkmuştum.

Since our father is bedridden, we take turns looking after him.

Babamız yatalak olduğu için ona sırayla baktık.

The muscles in his legs had atrophied during the seven months he was bedridden.

Yatakta kaldığı yedi ay boyunca bacak kasları köreldi.

Maria was bedridden. The only contact she had with the outside world was via the TV broadcasts.

Maria yatalaktı. Dışarıdaki dünyayla tek irtibatı televizyon yayınları aracılığıyla oluyordu.