Translation of "Stale" in Spanish

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Examples of using "Stale" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

The bread is stale.

El pan está duro.

That bread has started to go stale.

Ese pan empezó a perder su frescura.

A nurse brought me some bread and coffee, but the bread was stale and the coffee tasted of soap.

Una enfermera me trajo pan y café, pero el pan era viejo y el café tenía gusto a jabón.

While on a mountain trip, I was chewing on some hard, stale bread when I happened upon a huge snake.

Durante un viaje a las montañas, masticaba un trozo de pan duro y rancio, cuando me encontré con una enorme serpiente.

With yesterday's stale bread, my mother would make slices and fry them in olive oil to make us some delicious picatostes. Then, we'd spread chocolate on them or dunk them right in our cups.

Con el pan duro del día anterior, mi madre hacía rebanadas y las freía en aceite de oliva para prepararnos unos apetitosos picatostes. Luego, los untábamos con chocolate o los mojábamos directamente en la taza.