Translation of "Selfishness" in Spanish

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Selfishness" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

I'm annoyed at your selfishness.

Me molesta tu egoísmo.

She didn't tolerate his selfishness.

Ella no soportó su egoísmo.

Your selfishness will lose you your friends.

Tu egoismo te hará perder tus amigos.

Then selfishness is the cause of our prosperity.

entonces el egoísmo es la causa de nuestra prosperidad.

Selfishness is an essential part of his character.

Hay algo esencialmente egoísta en su carácter.

An orgasm is a moment with a lot of selfishness

El orgasmo es un momento de mucho egoísmo

To overcome this contradiction, and to have cooperation rise above selfishness,

Y superar esta contradicción y que prime la solidaridad por encima del egoísmo

Sure, we all have a bit of selfishness and greed inside us,

Sí, todos tenemos un poco de egoísmo y de codicia dentro de nosotros,

And that is a healthy selfishness that all living beings in nature share.

Ese es un egoísmo sano que nos coloca en la naturaleza a todas las cosas vivas.